My soon to be ex is a frequent user of cocaine, marajuana, alcohol, and I don't know what else. Him and his girlfriend just OD'd about a week and a half ago on cocaine. I stopped visitation. Now, we have court in a few days for the orders of protection I have filed and also he has requested visitation with our child. So, his lawyer has been told that he has to take a hair follicle test per my lawyer and my instructions.
My question is, has anyone been in a similar situation? What happens if he refuses the test? Will the judge make him? Do those hair detox kits really work?
Drug testing for visitation?
Well, based on the information given, if he refuses, then he will be denied visitation. Judges are very strict in such a situation. The hair detox test does work. In fact, it can show a substance up until 6 months. He cannot be forced to take the test but, as I said, if he refuses, then he loses !! I hope that this helps.
Drug testing for visitation?
If you believe the potential is there for harm, I would speak to the judge directly and ask for any assistance on monitoring he can implement. He may have some better ideas. He may say your ex can only have supervised visitation. Talk to the judge on this. Good luck.
Drug testing for visitation?
Make a new life. Move far away with your kids and fade into the woodwork of a quiet little place out of state! **** drugs and layers!
Drug testing for visitation?
What part of the body do they take the hair from. Look up the ptocedure or call the company that is doing the procedure and ask them
sorry for the caption.
hope this was helpful.
Drug testing for visitation?
1. If he refuses, the judge will NOT be favorable to him.
2. The judge probably won't make him.
3. Yes, they do work.
Drug testing for visitation?
If he refuses the test, he won't be granted any visitation with your child. It is in his best interest to get himself tested if he wants to see your child.
As far as the hair detox kit, he won't be able to get the cocaine out of his system fast enough for the detox to work. The alcohol is undetectable once he sobers up and the marijuana is similiar to the cocaine.
Your best bet would be to get him tested as soon as possible, however, it sounds like this is not a new problem and once a user, always a user.
I would explain your situation to your lawyer and your judge and let him dig himself into his own hole.
I definately wouldn't let him alone with my child......good luck!
Drug testing for visitation?
My roommate is a real pothead. Smokes all day long when he is not at work... Our house stinks of pot (we are kicking him out at the end of the month)... anyways...
Even with him getting high several times a day (and a frequent use of mushrooms) he passed a hair follicle test with the aide of a shampoo... He shaves his head too... but used the shampoo on his arms, legs, and pubic area...
I think you should talk to your lawyer and request blood work before visitation...
That is what I would do if I were you. I defiantly would not want my children around a drug environment!
Drug testing for visitation?
Ask the judge for monitored visitations maybe with a social worker.
Drug testing for visitation?
First and foremost, if you can prove he overdosed and has a drug problem by getting his medical records the rest is irrelevant. The judge can order drug rehab or supervised visitations or even terminate his parental rights. The judge in a civil case probably cannot order him to drug test compliance but he can make it difficult on him to see your child. If it is a criminal court then yes the judge can do all sorts of interesting things to protect your child. My suggestion is to get his medical records.
Drug testing for visitation?
,I can't imagine why you haven't talked to some one with child protective services. The answer to this question is what ever the judge says there are no set rules for this answer. If the judge feels he has a legitimate reason for not getting there to take the test (car broke down, I was sick, death in the family) they can still make you let the child go your at the mercy of the courts............been there done that.............................
Drug testing for visitation?
It will show up, he will probably have supervised visitation. Do what ever you have to to keep him and her away until he or they clean their lives up. You don't want your child going to dealers houses and exposed to drugs. And sadly that is what happens.
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