My parnter is in the process of applying to be a police officer, for the people who are familiar with the recruiting process, he has passed the written and spoken interview and now he has been called for the drug and health tests which is next week. His only draw back is the fact that up until a month ago, he smoked marajuana on regular basis and is concerned that it will not have flushed out of his system in time. He has not touched the drug in a month, like i said and has been doing a detox regime i.e diet and excerise and he has also shaved his head in case they want a hair sample.So what are the odds of it showing up i the tests?
Drug testing?
I'm not a police officer but I'm a med-tech in a toxicology lab... Basically, what the others stated about the 30 days is correct. THC is the hardest to get out of your system when dealing with urine testing. However, shaving his head will not clear him from receiving a hair test they will first go for the head, underarm, chest, arm, leg and sometimes pupic hair. we do this for the family courts in my area. If your friend shaves his whole body this would look suspisious.. However, thc in the hair is not as predomanitly found as the other drugs. i.e. there was this pot head who worked behind my building day in day out he was smoking. i tested his hair and nothing... It really all depends on the individual... best of luck
Drug testing?
It all depends on his fat content.30 days for a average person 2 months if obease.
Drug testing?
pot only stays in your fat cells only a month..your friend should have checked this out....and hes going to be a pot head,,lol,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,... LUCK..................
Drug testing?
Take a detox.
Worked for my friend.... he took it then had a drug test 2 weeks later...totally clean......
Drink lots of water before test!!
wish you alll the best!!!!!!
Drug testing?
Pretty slim, especially since he stopped a month ago (a month is about the maximum it takes to leave your system after quitting), and has been intentionally detoxing his body. THC is released faster when you are active. But if you are still unsure, walgreens sells home drug testing kits that you can use on your own before he goes for the official test.
Drug testing?
first off why in the hell would he be smoking that when he is going to tryyyyyy to be an officer. that is pretty sad. and to let you know just because he shaved his head, they can and will take hair from other parts of the body. i know this, because i had a hair test done and if the hair is not able to be removed they will take it from somewhere else. i am not sure how long the pot stays in the system but i hope it is there when he has it done. i wouldn't want some pot smoking cop working on the streets protecting me.
Drug testing?
His urine should be clean.
If they want a hair sample he is screwed. Hair samples can be taken from any part of the body and will show drug use for a year or more. If someone has shaved their entire body, this will look very suspect.
Drug testing?
The chances it will show up are slim to none. I was on probation for a long time. I used to stop smoking 2 weeks before my drug tests and drank a lot of water. I passed every time. Marijuana stays in the system for up to 30 days. The only way it will stay for that long is if he is fat, does no exercise, and eats a lot of fatty foods. The THC molecules in marijuana bond to the fat cells in the body. The less fat you have, the quicker it gets out of your system. Since it goes out of your system through urine and sweat, the more water (the least fatty liquid there is) that you drink, the more you urinate, and the quicker it leaves the body. The more exercise you do, the more you sweat and more THC leaves your body as well. If he's been doing all those things, he should be just fine. They definitely won't do a hair test. Police departments done care that much (I used to smoke with cops all the time) and it is also extremely expensive to do. I wouldn't worry about it.
Added: Fruitloop, obviously you are a naive little girl. If you knew the sort of things that go on in some police departments, you'd lose your faith in god, my friend. Some of the most crooked people I know are cops. That's actually better for you, since some pansy @ss preppy boy in a little uniform wouldn't be able to do $hit against your average criminal. We need cops to know what is going on and to be tough. Her partner sounds like he's gonna do just fine. Go back behind your white picket fence of delusion and keep on thinking the world is all rosy. Stay out of the conversation...adults are talking.
Drug testing?
He is ok if they only do a urine test cause it takes about 30 days but if they want a hair sample then he is screwed cause they will use hair from wherever they can get it from not just your head.Would be too suspicious to shave your whole body and even if he did he would have to come back when it grows out and do the test.Good luck hope all is well.
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