juss wondering
1 1/2 months do so wat if i havent smoked weed in 31/2 months then will i pass the hair drug test?
probably not a hair test
1 1/2 months do so wat if i havent smoked weed in 31/2 months then will i pass the hair drug test?
Your question isn't too coherent, I'm guessing you won't pass!
1 1/2 months do so wat if i havent smoked weed in 31/2 months then will i pass the hair drug test?
no you will not it takes up two 2 years for thc to get out your complete system and plus you have some still stored in your liver right now
1 1/2 months do so wat if i havent smoked weed in 31/2 months then will i pass the hair drug test?
not a hair follical test. Drugs stay in the hair from the follicle until it grows out.
1 1/2 months do so wat if i havent smoked weed in 31/2 months then will i pass the hair drug test?
depends on what kind of testing they do. If you are darkhaired it will show up.
I would head to my local GNC retailer and ask them for a product to help.
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