Thursday, July 30, 2009

How do you get toxins out of your hair to pass a hair drug test?

I'm afraid you cannot, your hair is like a trunk of a tree it records everything through time, the only option would be to shave your hair stop taking drugs detox for approximately 1 year but even then you will still have traces in your muscles and fat around your body for Manny years to come.

How do you get toxins out of your hair to pass a hair drug test?

You can't.

How do you get toxins out of your hair to pass a hair drug test?

besure to shave your eye brows and all your hair. That was a good question tho i wished it had been ansered better. Maybe you should try asking it in different countries from down below. Like hit mexico or europe they might have somehting. I dont no if this ideal will work. Just a suggestion.

How do you get toxins out of your hair to pass a hair drug test?

you can get shampoos on the internet that claim to work but i notice you only give three days for this question so you might be in trouble unless the sites are smart enough to include next day deliver. alternatively fake an oil fire where you hair gets all singed up into a crisp and you have to get ur head shaved, then burn your friends (no drugs) hair that looks like yours and say that you had to shave your hair off, but heres a sample of the fried remains i dont know the procedure for hair testing so better to find out if they can pluck a sample from another (more painful) area of your body, good luck anyways

How do you get toxins out of your hair to pass a hair drug test?

No way.

The Hair Drug Tests is Cheat-Proof

How do you get toxins out of your hair to pass a hair drug test?

you stuck man there hair test is full proof anf those shampoos are a scam they dont really work

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