Yes, I am well aware that we should never take any drugs BUT my husband has about a month and a half ago took a few puffs of the magic dragon. He will in March have a hair sampling drug test for a position he is applying for. He recently cut a good inch off his hair and will get another one before the test. I would say in the past year he maybe smoked 5 times (just a hit or two). Does anyone know how far back the hair testing goes back. At that time he will have not smoked any in 4 months....We did buy the shampoo but are not sure we will need it and if this really works? Please only serious answers, we all know he should NOT have even taken it but he did and it's way too late for that. Thanks!!!
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The hair test is mainly used to detect other drugs, the magic dragon can get into the hair foloicles by exposure, so they normally use the hair test for meth, cocaine, barbituates and the like. The urine test is used for marijuana because it stays in your system longer than other drugs.If you would like further info conact my e-mail and I will go into depth as to how I know.
Note: Marijuana is not a drug, it is a gift from God.
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The hair drug tests go back as far as 90 days. Read this link I have enclosed for you.
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In my opinion it will be close, the drugs can show up in hair folic even if it has grown out and been cut. The easiest way to make sure that nothing is going to show up is to not partake in such activities. Chances are good that he will tested positive for drugs! Good Luck
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i guess he has to just suffer with it. they test your folicle, not the actual hair. there is no way to hide it or prevent failing your test. looks like he'll be looking for another job. sry
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as far as i know thats the worse one there is no getting out of that cause its stays in ur hair for like 2 years but the best one i heard was you have to bleach ur hair
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Not sure how far back the test goes, but there isn't any way I know of that you can cheat that kind of test. Cutting your hair doesn't work. They only need the root. They'll yank out a root from the stubble with tweezers if you shave your head.
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On women with long hair a year. But with a man and short hair, as long as it was a one time thing it will grow out.
Six weeks is just 3/4 inch of hair growth. So he should shave his head now and DO NO DRUGS then let it grow till march, getting normal hair cuts of course.
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(edited) I didn't know that folicle is used for testing. In this case cutting hair will not help, but I don't think that folicle will keep the chemical indefinitely. There should be a half life of it at the folicle.
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I have a friend -big druggie, who got a very good job and had to pass a follicle test. He used the shampoo, got in and has been there for like 2 years despite pot, coke, meth, just about anything he can get his hands on! So for sure buy the shampoo, just make sure to follow the instructions exactly! Good Luck!
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My "best" friend started smoking pot, and tried to get me to do it. I had just moved in with her so I didn't want to be apart of it, so I told my mom cuz' i knew she'd get me the hell outta there. My mom explained to me that I should really talk to her about it because she could very easily get caught. She explained to me that because of the job my friend had they could at any random moment take a drug test using the hair - my mom told me it can be in your hair for years. I hope this helps. I am no longer friends with this girl. Tell your husband he made a very stupid decision.
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Most THC will leave the body in 30 days, if you keep hydrated, now this doesnt mean hes got 27 more smokin days....its different for everyone, example, size, weight, how active u are, how much you eat,%26lt;--before the munchies. GNC has a product called Ultra-Cleanse, pass a UA in 3 days, and it works too, they do sell shampoos and stuff but ive never tried them.
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they will check at the root of hair.
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the only sure fire way to beat those tests is to not play around with off limits substances! all the systems, pills, shampoos etc. are flawed,...(unreliable).....
hair testing is considered much more effective than urine tests because they can go farther back and pinpoint when your last usage was.
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