allegedly 100%- but that is provable horse crap- anyone that claims 100% accuracy on anything is selling a bill of goods- a complex test procedure that never is the victim of a tired employee? or an equipment glitch? (I'm an electronics tech- and I have plenty of work- perfect my butt), and check this link:
and what about the fourth amendment?
"The right of the people to be secure in their PERSONS, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." (capitalized PERSONS mine)
why is it that because it is popular to be "against drugs" that the laws of our land can be violated because it's "for the greater good"? what gives anyone the right to search your body for substances that you may or may not have taken?
I took one drug test- and had a "questionable" result- was left out of work for three days- and then the company called and said "oh, it came back clean, want to come back to work?"- and I refused, I needed a job, not a bullsh*t runaround- three days pay lost for NOTHING- I'll NEVER submit to that sort of unlawful, degrading, useless, INTOLERABLE violation of my privacy again. I'll live under a bloody bridge and eat out of garbage cans first!
oh, and by the way- hair testing is a 600 MILLION dollar a year gig, so of course it's "perfect" (bullsh*t !!!!)
How accurate is hair drug test, and how can you pass it?
Extremly, and if must do the dew shave yourself bald I mean everything and tell them you have no hair to test.
Best answer
How accurate is hair drug test, and how can you pass it?
Hair testing is VERY accurate and unless you have been drug free you can't fake the results. Sorry.
How accurate is hair drug test, and how can you pass it?
very accurate, don't do drugs
How accurate is hair drug test, and how can you pass it?
Very accurate and if you have long hair they can tell when you were doing drugs as far back as 3-5 years ago. To beat is to shave your hair off. Or better yet don't do drugs at all.
How accurate is hair drug test, and how can you pass it?
These babies are the real deal!! The hair follicle is pulled out by the lab tech themselves-no way to get around this one, unless you have a twin, or someone who can pass for you on your I.D.
Plus this test is supposed to be able to show drug use from months and months ago!!! They can use hair from ANY part of your body!!!
How accurate is hair drug test, and how can you pass it?
Yup, what they said. Looks like you, or "someone you know" are stuck. Once it's there, it doesn't go away unless you shave it all off, which would look pretty suspicious, don't ya think?
How accurate is hair drug test, and how can you pass it?
They go back 90 days, and yes you can pass them when you shouldnt have been able to. I have 2 times. Supposedly they are a godsend to the goverment about drug use... but they arnt perfect. I passed once without using anything to detox my hair, passed second time with using a "shampoo".
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