Thursday, October 8, 2009

Can anyone tell me about hair drug tests?

I am being considered for a really good job but there is one problem. 3 weeks ago i was around some people doing coke and I tried it. Even though I decided not to ever do it again, I didn't like the way it made me feel, I used it 4 times in 2 days. This new job is going to do a hair drug test instead of the usual urine test. They will do the test sometime between tomorrow and November 30. Will this show up in my hair?

Can anyone tell me about hair drug tests?

This will depend on how close to the scalp they cut your hair and how fast your hair grows. Our hair is made up of dead protein. Until the cocaine is out of your system your body will dispose of part of it through your hair. Sounds to me like the sooner the better for you.

It's good to hear that someone didn't like what the coke did to them. I liked it too much and used for a little over a year before it nearly killed me. It took almost dying for me to stop using. Good for you stopping before you really got started.

The link below has some commonly asked questions about the test they will run with answers. Check it out and maybe all your questions will be answered.

Can anyone tell me about hair drug tests?

I do hope all is well with you and this test, thanks for chosing mine. I saw that no one else was looking things up, so I did. Plus, I figured you could use some extra info on the topic. Report It

Can anyone tell me about hair drug tests?

Yes. Hair tests can detect drugs for six months.

Can anyone tell me about hair drug tests?

yes it will show upin your hair. get a sinead oconnor cut.

Can anyone tell me about hair drug tests?

supposedly the hair test can detect anything within the last 6 months, so good luck!

Can anyone tell me about hair drug tests?

If I were you, I would tell them up front, and volunteer for weekly drug tests for whatever time period they stipulate. At your own expense.

Can anyone tell me about hair drug tests?

yes they can go as far back as 6 months to years I heard (dont know if it is true) that if you die your hair the day before the test it messes them up Sounds stupid so I dont know

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