Saturday, August 1, 2009

Should we elope?

I am 17 and my fiance is 20. we have a 2 month old son. Despite what you may think we are mature and responsible parents and our son is everything to us. My fiance lives with his parents right now due to family rules. Hes had a really hard time finding work. Our state is very hard to find a job in which is why alot of people work out of state. he finally got a job 2 weeks ago at walmart. he had a blood and hair drug test last week and the results arent in yet. I know he smokes pot twice in august (before we were back together)and the drug test can detect back that far. So the chance that his test could be possitive is an unfortunate reality. His mom said if its possitive she's kicking him out on the street. I couldn't let him live on the street. We were planning a wedding in May, but my mom says if that happens we should elope. I wouldn't mind but my question is what do you think we should do?

Should we elope?

Do not compound the life you have already geared for yourself by marrying anyone, anywhere. IF you were as mature as you state you would not have gotten pregnant at 16. It is NOT mature despite what you think to smoke pot just a few weeks ago and I seriously doubt that has stopped.

Go get some counseling and stop acting rashly.

Not what you were looking for but did you want us to just agree with you or pull punchs?

Should we elope?

Ah the innocence of young love

Should we elope?

I don't think eloping is really your primary concern here. What about where he is going to live? How is he going to earn money? How will you support your son? Elope or don't, neither will change your livelihood.

Should we elope?

You guys should consider the military. Yes he may deploy every so often, but you guys will have housing and a steady paycheck.....

Should we elope?

speak to your mom and try to pursuade her but if she doesnt listen ELOPE!!!!

Should we elope?

you guys are young and with a baby! you need family, you need money, you need help. Stop doing drugs, get a job, raise your baby, let your parents into your life and help you with the child. If the parents are horrible and you really cant find a job then get up and move. I wouldnt even worry about getting married as of right now. Living on your own costs alot of money. Working at Walmart might not cut it especially with a kid.

Should we elope?

well my guess is do the thing that feels the best for the moment, but also worry about your finances. if eloping is best for the moment, and is the cheapest thing, then do that and once you save up some money and feel like you are ready, go ahead and have the dream wedding you want. as for the living facilities, im 18 and i live at home too, so i wouldnt know how that would go about. any more info please ask.

Should we elope?

You should not elope. You should rather face realities, future tasks and challenges. Take note that all burdens and sufferings should not be treated as stumbling blocks but rather stepping stones to bring you closer to your goals!!!!!

Should we elope?

it seems that you both love each other and want the same thing... but it seems like your fiance has a lot to work out right now. why are you in such a rush to be married? maybe he should take some time to find a job he likes, work things out (as best he can) with his own family, and then he will be in a better position - both financially and emotionally - to marry you. whatever happens, best of luck to you.

Should we elope?

as i read your comments, i find it very hard to believe you are both mature in any way. i really do not see how eloping is going to change much for you? take some responsible actions like both of you getting jobs and getting your own place to live. Jd

Should we elope?

Having recently married, I can tell you that starting out is one of the more trying times in a relationship because not only will you be married but you will have to find money for apartment, food, heat, etc... Are you prepared for these expenses?? If you're not, then in all likelihood you'll find marriage to be one fight after another. Just be sensible, save your money and marry when everyone is ready.

Should we elope?

be stable first. you have a baby to think about and it isn't fair your son that you live impoverished. Dad needs to have some kind of support for his young family. It is important to stay in school and finish...that is the key to your future.

Never lose sight of the fact that the little man IS the MOST important one. Blessings in your journey

Should we elope?

I think that since you have a son with this guy and you two are both mature adults right now. You should do what you feel is right. Meaning right now for you you fiancee and your son should be a little more important than all the rest. if his test comes back positive take that as a sign to move on and be there for him and your son. so yes you should elope.

Should we elope?

My straighforward answer would be to think long and hard before doing any rash decisions and that your fiance should get his act together.

How could you say that you are mature and responsible parents when your fiance is smoking pot and both of you still living with his parents? That does not sound "mature" and "responsible" to me. Sorry...

The question is, if you guys decide to elope could you afford it on your own with your fiance jobless and you mothering a 2month old baby? Sadly, at this point in time trying to elope is really not a good idea. Accept the fact that both of you still need your parents to help you at this stage. If you can stand on your own two feet then that's the time that you should find a place of your own.

Should we elope?

Firstly, just to answer your question about the pot smoking, it's not wether or not they actually detect THC in the blood or hair, it's the the LEVEL of THC found, so if he is a regular dope smoker, he can consider himself unemployed, if there is only a very small level of THC in the sample, that will show only a very minimal amount of use. Why are you so concerned about being married? Is there pressure from your family? If you are in a de facto relationship, it makes no difference, after 6 or 12 months you are still 'legally' declared a married couple. If you have good family support where you are, stay there, if not, you may need to consider moving out of state for a while where your partner can gain regular employment. At this stage, your only priority should be the welfare of your family and ensure you have the basics: a roof over your head, food on the table and the ability to pay rent or board. It sounds as though your mum wants what is best, so maybe if she could offer to take care of the bay for a few days a week and you could also look for some casual or part time work, it doesn't matter if your partner works at wal mart, mcdonalds or does some factory work, the motive is, a regular income and stability for your family. You are both young and beleive me, it won't be like this forever, you will eventually get there, it's just that having a baby has lessened your options, but you seem happy. Stay optimistic and look for any opportunity for work, as a double income will get you there sooner. best of luck!

Should we elope?

Mature. What the hell are you saying. he smokes an illegal substance and you've already had a kid and your 17. If I were you I would concentrate on creating a solid foundation where you,your partner and your child will need. What is running away from the strongest support your going to get achieve for you? Nothing at all. Have a good talk to your and his parents and try to find some middle ground in which all parties involved will benefit from. Stop being so damn selfish when you have a child to take care of. Your needs are a distant second since you decided to bring this child into this world. Its your duty to provide and take care of it.

Think logically and do what is best. Lord help you if you stuff this up.

Should we elope?

I think you're putting the cart before the horse. Wait and see if the test comes back positive, then see if his mom follows through. Where would you live if he was kicked out? Obviously if he doesn't get this job, money will still be an issue. Could he go out of state to find work and send for you later? I'd be inclined not to rush into anything......if you love each other, your feelings will still be there, and likely stronger in 6 months or more. Make a plan for what he'll do for employment if he flunks the test, and move forward from there. I would not elope at this point but focus on finances first.

Should we elope?

take it from someone who knows. Do not go to a courthouse and get married. I know you have probably heard people say that you are married no matter how much money you spend but trust me you won't feel that way. I got married 31/2 years ago to the love of my life. All my life I had dreamed about having a big church wedding and when that didn't happen it has put a bad spot in my heart like a empty hole. I have tried to get over it but I can't and in 6 weeks we are renewing our vows.My advice to you is if you feel like you have got to hurry it up go get a cheap dress and him a suit and throw your hair up and go get married at a wedding chapel. You can invite your family and his. For your own sake invite his mom. Then she will realize that she didn't win. The chapel has all the decorates you'll need there. Don't cut your self short on your dream. Every little girl has there dream wedding. Trust me.....

Should we elope?


Effectivness of Hair Drug Testing shampoos?

Ive just been offered a job with a company that operate a drug testing proceedure via hair sampling, Wrongly, I have on the odd occasion indulged in taking Ecstasty from time to time. I am looking at purchasing a product called After Burn (a toxin eliminating shampoo). Has anyone had a similar experience or used a similar/same product, if so did you find it successful and were you able to provide a negative sample and therefore pass the test?

Keen to hear from anyone asap, Basically - Does this stuff work?

Effectivness of Hair Drug Testing shampoos?

extascy, as it metabolizes in your blood converts into amphetamines and methampethamines (which is what tends to keep you up) but only has a half life of about a week in your system.

it will still test in your hair but more likely than anything as a methamphetamine. As for the THC, the average 1.5" hair strand sample shows three years of evidence.

I have no experience with a snake oil product, but the bottom line is never take a test you don't KNOW you can pass. If you can avoid the test by any so. :shrug:

Effectivness of Hair Drug Testing shampoos?

You can't wash the drug residue out of the cellular structure your hair.

Effectivness of Hair Drug Testing shampoos?

Save your money and take your chances. Drugs are located not only on the hair but, in the hair, especially if a hair root is taken. May have to postbone your job offer and stay clean.

Effectivness of Hair Drug Testing shampoos?

you might want to look at this site first before using anything. just a heads up on shampoo and other related products. i didnt know this until i researched this myself. at this site are other links to other alternatives that are all natural..

What to use for Skin cleansing and what not to use!

When you are cleansing your skin, you want to make sure that you only use the best organic natural ingredients possible.

Let's have a look in your bathroom. You may be amazed about this, but potentially dangerous poisons and toxins lurk in your personal toiletries you are probably not even aware of. In fact I would go as far as saying you have no idea of the potential problems these chemicals can cause. If you are a psoriasis, eczema or arthritis sufferer or you have chronic fatigue problems, then grab that bottle of shampoo you used yesterday and have a look at the label.

Does it contain Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) - What about related chemicals Ammonium Lauryl Sulphate (ALS) or SLES

A toxic chemicals and all known skin irritants!

SLS is a powerful commercial degreaser and is used in industry for cleaning workshop floors and degreasing machinery. It is also the main foaming agent and degreaser in almost all shampoos! You will find it in your toothpaste, your bubble bath, shower gel, shaving lotion and a host of other products including being used as a glazing agent on pharmaceutical drugs!

You will even find these chemicals in shampoos prescribed by doctors to ease psoriasis and eczema of the scalp.


How stupid is that???

If these were a safe chemicals why do they place skull and cross bone warnings on the drums of commercial chemicals, warning users of the dangers and stressing the need to wear protective clothing, goggles and rubber gloves when handling and to seek immediate medical help if swallowed or spilt on the skin?

It sure doesn't make sense to put it on your head or anywhere else on your body or in your mouth if the warning labels on the commercial drums are correct. We have no reason to suspect that the warning labels are anything but correct! Chemicals have the ability to cause ongoing sensitivities, chronic health problems and many so-called "safe" chemicals have been proven to be a precursor to cancer in test animals.

Chemicals have the same effect on us no matter how they are absorbed. The membranes of the mouth are known to absorb toxins very quickly, as is the skin. Would you trust a three year old not to swallow toothpaste? Would you knowingly give your child a poison to put in their mouth? Think about it! Why do the manufacturers of these toxic chemicals go to extraordinary lengths to warn users of the commercial chemical to avoid contact with the skin if they are not dangerous?

Perhaps long term exposure to low levels of so called "safe quantities" of these powerful chemicals just may have a detrimental and cumulative effect on the body over time. You want to believe it. The author of this article has suffered with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities all his life due to handling chemicals as a young man and being exposed to higher than "normal" levels over a five year period. Exactly the same effect will happen to you if you continue to absorb so called "safe" chemicals over many years from the toiletries and cosmetics you use.


Here are just some of the most common chemical culprits

Propylene Glycol (PG)

Propylene Glycol is a wetting agent and along with a related chemical ethylene glycol is used in industry as the main component of brake fluid and antifreeze. Also used extensively in paint and varnishes. It is also found in your shampoo, toothpaste, hair conditioner beauty creams and lotions, cleansers, makeup and is very common in children's personal care items and many other products you use on a daily basis. Again this is a potentially dangerous chemical. Food manufacturers even used it for years in ice cream and other foods they did not want to set too hard when frozen. At least the government stepped in and forced its removal from many of our food supplies. However it still remains in many food products and is another reason why you should avoid those e-numbers like the plague. But what about our toothpaste and other lotions and potions we put on ourselves and on the skin of our loved ones? Propylene glycol and derivatives of this chemical are found in a vast array of personal care toiletries and cosmetics.

Ethylene glycol has severe adverse health effects and has been found to cause kidney damage and liver abnormalities. It also damages cell membranes causing rashes, dry skin, contact dermatitis and surface damage to the skin. First cousin to ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, has been noted as toxic to human cell cultures in the laboratory. The American Academy of Dermatologists published a clinical review in January 1991 that showed propylene glycol caused a significant number of reactions and was a primary irritant to the skin even in low levels of concentration of around 5%. Propylene glycol routinely occurs in the top 3 listing of ingredients in any given product, indicating that it is present in high concentration.

Sodium Hydroxide

Found in toothpaste, shampoos and soaps. A powerful caustic chemical associated with sodium chloride, a powerful oxidant. Causes severe skin irritation and can permanently damage the eyes. Used as a pipeline cleaner in industry. Users are warned to wear full protective clothing when handling the concentrate! It is in your toothpaste for goodness sake!!! It causes mouth ulcers and sensitises people to other chemicals. It is vital to prevent this dangerous caustic substance from making contact with your skin or ingesting it. If you have any skin problems or auto-immune dysfunction then it becomes vital to keep it out of your system

Diethanolamine DEA, Cocamide DEA, Lauramide DEA

A colourless liquid or crystalline alcohol that is used as a solvent, emulsifier and detergent or wetting agent. DEA works as an emollient in skin softening lotions or as a humectant in other personal care products. When found in products containing nitrates, it reacts chemically with the nitrates to form carcinogenic nitrosamines. Although earlier studies seem to show that DEA itself was not a carcinogen, more recent studies show that DEA has the capacity unequivocally, to cause cancer even in formulations that exclude nitrates. DEA may also irritate the skin and mucous membranes. Also watch out for the other ethanolamines, triethanolamine TEA and monoethamolamine MEA. These dangerous chemicals are also found in sunscreens and many other cosmetic products. They can cause nitrates to form when combined with specific chemicals. "Some of the most dangerous chemicals we put on our bodies in the name of beauty belong to a family of hormone disrupting chemicals...these chemicals readily react with any nitrites present to form carcinogenic nitrosamines... prolonged exposure can alter liver and kidney function and lead to CANCER..." WDDTY Vol10 No7 10/99 DANGEROUS!!!


A carcinogenic by-product of many manufacturing processes, especially the weed-killers 245-T and 24-D and the manufacturing of pulp for paper production. It is also found as a by-product in the manufacture of foaming cleansers such as shampoos, toothpastes and cleansers. Dioxin contaminated containers which include some plastic manufacturing processes for plastic bottles sometimes transfer dioxins into the product itself. It has been shown that dioxin is up to 500,000 times more carcinogenic than DDT. Dioxin is one of the most potent and powerful poisons known to man!


A toxic colourless gas that is a strong irritant and a known carcinogen. Used in industry as a powerful preservative, in agriculture as a foot rot treatment for cattle and sheep and in the mortuary as an embalming fluid! When combined with water, formaldehyde is commonly used as a disinfectant, fixative and a preservative. It is common preservative in childhood vaccines! Formaldehyde is found in many cosmetic products, bubble bath and shampoos and conventional nail beauty treatments.

Effectivness of Hair Drug Testing shampoos?

My brother is a druggie (I am not.. so PLEASE no negative comments from anyone.) He has tried stuff that is supposed to detox your hair (I don't know any brand names) But none have worked. I personally have not had to try any so I can not tell your from experience. Sorry.

Effectivness of Hair Drug Testing shampoos?

i used after burn after a weekend smoking weed, went 4 the hair test on the Tues, and got the letter on Fri telling me not only had they found traces of the weed , but also the fact i,d tried 2 disguise this with after burn! and 2 that guy who wrote about the chemicals in everyday cosmetics , shampoo, toothpaste etc, etc , etc , that is what i call gloom and doom! anyway , this after burn def does not work .

Effectivness of Hair Drug Testing shampoos?

consider shaving your head if the job matters so much then they may only ask for a urine test.As far as im aware the hair testing method needs more than just a few strands to be effective and the hair length is what gives the history of your drug use.Their are also many chemicals within domestic products and medicines that can hugely affect the results %26amp; give false readings and these are listed on some of the drug sites online as a way of putting the testers of the scent!!.When taking a drug test you are asked many questions about what meds %26amp; products you have had contact with you have taken/used recently etc specifically because of any affect on the result they may have.This is from my own personal experiences of reg caning it around drug tests!

Drug testing for visitation?

My soon to be ex is a frequent user of cocaine, marajuana, alcohol, and I don't know what else. Him and his girlfriend just OD'd about a week and a half ago on cocaine. I stopped visitation. Now, we have court in a few days for the orders of protection I have filed and also he has requested visitation with our child. So, his lawyer has been told that he has to take a hair follicle test per my lawyer and my instructions.

My question is, has anyone been in a similar situation? What happens if he refuses the test? Will the judge make him? Do those hair detox kits really work?

Drug testing for visitation?

Well, based on the information given, if he refuses, then he will be denied visitation. Judges are very strict in such a situation. The hair detox test does work. In fact, it can show a substance up until 6 months. He cannot be forced to take the test but, as I said, if he refuses, then he loses !! I hope that this helps.

Drug testing for visitation?

If you believe the potential is there for harm, I would speak to the judge directly and ask for any assistance on monitoring he can implement. He may have some better ideas. He may say your ex can only have supervised visitation. Talk to the judge on this. Good luck.

Drug testing for visitation?

Make a new life. Move far away with your kids and fade into the woodwork of a quiet little place out of state! **** drugs and layers!

Drug testing for visitation?



What part of the body do they take the hair from. Look up the ptocedure or call the company that is doing the procedure and ask them

sorry for the caption.

hope this was helpful.

Drug testing for visitation?

1. If he refuses, the judge will NOT be favorable to him.

2. The judge probably won't make him.

3. Yes, they do work.

Drug testing for visitation?

If he refuses the test, he won't be granted any visitation with your child. It is in his best interest to get himself tested if he wants to see your child.

As far as the hair detox kit, he won't be able to get the cocaine out of his system fast enough for the detox to work. The alcohol is undetectable once he sobers up and the marijuana is similiar to the cocaine.

Your best bet would be to get him tested as soon as possible, however, it sounds like this is not a new problem and once a user, always a user.

I would explain your situation to your lawyer and your judge and let him dig himself into his own hole.

I definately wouldn't let him alone with my child......good luck!

Drug testing for visitation?

My roommate is a real pothead. Smokes all day long when he is not at work... Our house stinks of pot (we are kicking him out at the end of the month)... anyways...

Even with him getting high several times a day (and a frequent use of mushrooms) he passed a hair follicle test with the aide of a shampoo... He shaves his head too... but used the shampoo on his arms, legs, and pubic area...

I think you should talk to your lawyer and request blood work before visitation...

That is what I would do if I were you. I defiantly would not want my children around a drug environment!

Drug testing for visitation?

Ask the judge for monitored visitations maybe with a social worker.

Drug testing for visitation?

First and foremost, if you can prove he overdosed and has a drug problem by getting his medical records the rest is irrelevant. The judge can order drug rehab or supervised visitations or even terminate his parental rights. The judge in a civil case probably cannot order him to drug test compliance but he can make it difficult on him to see your child. If it is a criminal court then yes the judge can do all sorts of interesting things to protect your child. My suggestion is to get his medical records.

Drug testing for visitation?

,I can't imagine why you haven't talked to some one with child protective services. The answer to this question is what ever the judge says there are no set rules for this answer. If the judge feels he has a legitimate reason for not getting there to take the test (car broke down, I was sick, death in the family) they can still make you let the child go your at the mercy of the courts............been there done that.............................

Drug testing for visitation?

It will show up, he will probably have supervised visitation. Do what ever you have to to keep him and her away until he or they clean their lives up. You don't want your child going to dealers houses and exposed to drugs. And sadly that is what happens.

How to beat a hair folice drug test?

I don't think you can. I remember my stoner cousin saying that he couldn't beat it and if he can't I dont think anyone can. Dont think about going bald because they will take the hair from else where, either under your pit or in your genital area, or your legs or arms. As long as they have long enough strands. Good luck!

How to beat a hair folice drug test?

Use a detox shampoo. Report It

How to beat a hair folice drug test?

Use someone elses hair?

How to beat a hair folice drug test?

"" YOU CAN"T %26lt; SORRY%26gt; WHAT DID U DO ? Or WANNA DO???

How to beat a hair folice drug test?

Stay off arsenic

How to beat a hair folice drug test?

none. i hope you have not been toking up in the last 90 days. you can try going bald

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just

i really need a way to pass this test my use is sporadic and only a little party drugs does anyone know a way i can pass this test bar shaving myself bald?

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

not really

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

Can't... Sorry! I guess you'll know better next time. Some people have to learn the hard way.

Edited to say: Do you think that's why Britney did it? Hmm??

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

sorry, stick the fork in, you are done.

Sucks to be you

There is no way to beat it short of shaving your head.

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

It won't matter if you shave your head. They can and will take a peice of hair from another part of your body for this purpose. And, it will look awful funny if you go in there with no hair, they will know what you are trying to do.

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?


I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

if you shave your hair bald, don't you think they might wonder why?

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

Just use a hair from your vagina, but they may find worse things in there.

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?


I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

I am almost positive that there is no way to pass a hair strand test. Sorry

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

Sporadic and very occasional will probably not show. Although it can test farther back than urinalysis (which is why they do it), hair testing is not as good at uncovering low level usage. Why do you have to take a hair strand test?

Jeez this country is becoming such a police state.

p.s. Note to all those who are saying that they will just take hair from elsewhere: Did you know that you can actually shave those other parts too? Yup. No lie.

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

well you can shave your head if you want...but that isnt the only hair on your body! So if you have done any type of drugs in the past 6 failed!

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

there really is no "fool-proof" way to pass a hair strand test. Even if you were to shave your head they would still acquire the hair from somewhere else on your body, if you get my drift. short of trying to blame it on poppyseed bagels, i am sorry

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

you can't. dont use drugs and you'll pass next time

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

I thought it was 3mths. I dunno what to tell you, but won't shaving your head just before a hair strand test going to look a bit obvious?

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

Human hair grows appx. 1/2 inch every 6 wks. So it depends on when you last used . If you really need to pass cut accordinly. There is now way to fake this test out that I know of .

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

There is no such thing as "a little party drugs". This situation should show you that. Doing drugs is doing drugs. In the meantime, it depends on what type of drugs you used. Some, but not all, drugs are stored in your hair folicle which is inside of your scalp. So shaving will not help. It will just grow back and the evidence will still be there. Just stop doing any and all drugs.

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

when is this test? and how often did you use an when was the most recent? because...well we are talking about marijuana right? the problem is that it stays in the hair the longest so i dont know if even a pill or other sort of drug test tricker might work...only thing i can say is...borrow a friends hair?

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

bleach your hair, then dye it I heard it works.

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

You can not remove all metabolites from the follicle without total destruction of the follicle. . . . period

Hair drug tests are a proven procedure which not only detects contaminates that have been used - but also can provide information in the quantity of consumed and the historic pattern of use.

Standard screenings currently provide a bare minimum of 90 days of use. This amount can easily go to more than 180 days with some of the more sophisticated (expensive) screenings - use of a longer stand of hair and/or the position of where the sample is taken from a longer stand.

the site below does tell how to pass... read on!

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

drink loads of water eat sh*t loads of fruit and vitamins and keep your fingers crossed it has been done before

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

No way this time but next time just stay clear of the drugs. Got to make a choice of the drugs or the job or whatever it is that requires you to take it.

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?


I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

I visit clients and take these tests for a living. Trust me, the ONLY way to pass this test is to remove every single hair from your body, which would look highly suspicious! We're told that if you can't remove hair from the head, you need to use either the armpits or genital area, and if they're shaved you get a razor and shave the arms and legs. Drugs leave their mark at the root of every single hair on your body, and although some drop out, it can take YEARS for all of them to go. I suggest you fes up, be totally honest, and see how you go. Good luck. xxx

I am having a hair strand test that i need to pass i used recreationally in the last 6mths and just while out?

As you sow, so shall ye reap!. You did the crime, now you must do the time. Recreation is bowling or golf or listening to music. It is not taking addictive drugs that damage your brain!

How to pass a hair follicul drug test?

You can't pass that test and if you werent on drugs you'd know how to spell follicle

How to pass a hair follicul drug test?

don't do drugs!

How to pass a hair follicul drug test?

I would not recomend to do such a thing.

How to pass a hair follicul drug test?

Shave your head or dye it blonde.

How to pass a hair follicul drug test?

i agree: DON'T DO DRUGS. that's about the only way you'll pass.

How to pass a hair follicul drug test?

Your screwed.

How to pass a hair follicul drug test?

depends on drug firstly. (thc is easy to detect)

secondly, use someone else's hair.

thirdly, you're screwed.

How to pass a hair follicul drug test?

you aren't going to pass it...

How to pass a hair follicul drug test?

Shave your head or bleach it and they wont be able to tell. Good luck!!

How to pass a hair follicul drug test?

Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, you can't fool the test. Have you or are you using marijuana? The presence of marijuana in the blood disappears after a few days to a week. But, its presence can remain in hair follicles for months. I guess the obvious answer is to not do drugs.

How to pass a hair follicul drug test?

if you have a brother/sister, put a few strands of their hair in your pocket before you have the test/screen. If they have you remove your own hair, before removing it, reach into your pocket and pull out a piece of hair, so that they can't see you, then pretend like you're cutting or pulling our your own hair, but give them the hair you pulled out of your pocket......

this is the only way I can think of that you'll pass this test/screen....good luck...and stop using drugz

How to pass a hair follicul drug test?

Go to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting and QUIT DOING DRUGS!

If you quit, you'll NEVER have to worry about those tests again (besides not screwing up your life along with your family's!!!)

GET A LIFE. There's a reason they call it DOPE!!

How prevalent is hair testing in probation/parole cases?

Hair testing for signs of drug/alcohol abuse. I am aware that urinalysis/breath testing is quite common to determine an offender's history of use/abuse, but is hair testing ever used?

How prevalent is hair testing in probation/parole cases?

It is rarely used. I have worked in several probation depts. Urine screening is the typical procedure. SOMETIMES blood tests are done. I've never worked at a probation dept that did hair testing.

How prevalent is hair testing in probation/parole cases?

Currently, hair testing is the most foolproof test, but also the most expensive to administer. It is not used in Ohio for that reason. To the best of my knowledge, there is no plan in effect to bring that on line anytime in the future either. I hope this helps you.

In a full medical review, do they test for drugs? if so, how do they do it (hair, blood, or urine)?

im having a full medical review to see if i'm applicable for health insurance.

In a full medical review, do they test for drugs? if so, how do they do it (hair, blood, or urine)?

tested via urine usually ya wee in a cup n the doctor puts a stick in which changes color if drugs r detected

When taking a hair follicle drug test from doctors office will it detect a small amount from 4 month

4 months ago I took 2 hits and that was it, but I am worried if it is going to affect the job I have applied. I do not smoke, but it was this one stupid time and now I am afraid I ruined the chance to work at this company.

When taking a hair follicle drug test from doctors office will it detect a small amount from 4 months ago?

The presence of drugs in hair is based on a simple principle. Drugs which are ingested into the body circulate in a person's bloodstream which nourishes developing hair follicles. As a result, trace amounts of the target drug or drug metabolite are deposited in the hair follicle and become entrapped in the core of the hair shaft as it grows out from the hair follicle. Normal growth rates for human hair are approximately one-half inch per month. By testing for the presence of drugs at various levels in the hair shaft core on a given length of hair, a fairly accurate approximation can then be made as to how long a particular drug has been used historically. Since target drug or drug metabolite residues are chemically and structurally stable for a period of time, they cannot be easily washed, bleached or flushed out of the hair structure. Consequently there is little possibility of sample contamination or manipulation. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) forensic laboratory analysis of the hair shaft from an individual can achieve highly accurate drug test results and provide a historical use record. Generally it takes approximately 5 days for drugs to show up in a person's hair and will continue to be detectable in new hair growth for several months. A standard test provides up to a three month history of drug use. but can date back further.

When taking a hair follicle drug test from doctors office will it detect a small amount from 4 months ago?

Yes, probably so..

Hair tests will detect drugs back quite a ways...

When taking a hair follicle drug test from doctors office will it detect a small amount from 4 months ago?

No, it would be completely out of your system by now. It actually was completely out of your system months ago. There is no way the test will tell them what you did four months ago. Don't worry about it. Your hair follicles are not computer databases that keep track of everything you have ever done in your life. Just what you have done in the past couple of weeks!! You are 100% safe.

When taking a hair follicle drug test from doctors office will it detect a small amount from 4 months ago?

hair test can date back up tp 6 months.. emphasize on CAN

When taking a hair follicle drug test from doctors office will it detect a small amount from 4 months ago?

It can go back six months. At the same time, it probably depends on a few other things, as well. Such as, do you color your hair with hair dye? If it was only a puff or two, it's quite possible that it was such a small trace that it will not be detected. Good luck with job and stay away from pot.

When taking a hair follicle drug test from doctors office will it detect a small amount from 4 months ago?

One thing you should remember is that standardized drug tests require a certain level before they will call it a positive. Additionally, they usually only use the inch or slow closest to your scalp (the newest hair) and since hair grows on average about 1/2 per month, in 4 months the you would be an inch past that. I don't think 2 hits would affect your test, however (IMO) it WAS dumb especially if you knew you were looking for a job :)

Good luck.

When taking a hair follicle drug test from doctors office will it detect a small amount from 4 months ago?

Yup, most likely the test will pick it up.

Were the two hits worth possibly losing a job before you even got it?

When taking a hair follicle drug test from doctors office will it detect a small amount from 4 months ago?

Stick to alcohol abuse. Companies don't care if you drink.

How long can hair follicle drug test detect cocaine in system?

Hair Testing

Cocaine is detectable with hair tests and is included in the standard set of substances tested for with these tests. Hair tests generally take the most recent 1.5 inches of growth and use those for testing. That provides a detection period of approximately 90 days

How long can hair follicle drug test detect cocaine in system?

up to six months depending on the amounts ingested.

How long can hair follicle drug test detect cocaine in system?

a month

How long can hair follicle drug test detect cocaine in system?

I'm NOT telling. Why should we help you with your illegal drug issues?

How long can hair follicle drug test detect cocaine in system?

Hair is a record of chemical changes in the body as long as the hair that was growing during the drug use remains. The newest record is closest to the scalp.

How long can hair follicle drug test detect cocaine in system?

2 years

How long can hair follicle drug test detect cocaine in system?

With al the new technology last i heard was 7 years and there is one being developed even as we speak that is even more sensitive and can detect any drug usage of any kind or ammount so dont do it and you wont have to worry about getting caught you or whopever you are inquiring for Gorbalizer

Any of you folks car salesman? Were you drug tested prior to getting your job?

I want to become a car salesman at a new car dealership. I am asking you folks who are currently employed at a dealership if you were drug screened before you could get the job, and if so what type of test did they give you?...(hair, urine, saliva test) thanks.....

Any of you folks car salesman? Were you drug tested prior to getting your job?

It depends on the dealer. Some smaller dealers may not require any drug test, others may want a urine test. Just depends. Personally I have never had a drug test while working for any dealer.

Any of you folks car salesman? Were you drug tested prior to getting your job?

don't do drugs. wait 30 days. then apply. because they do

Any of you folks car salesman? Were you drug tested prior to getting your job?

well if they do drug test you it would be urine the other ways are far too expensive. get someone Else's urine microwave it so its hot, put it in a zip lock baggie and place it in your under wear. you microwave it so by the time you get there its still luke warm. just incase they make you empty your pockets keep it in your undies. i know its Gross but its the price you have to pay for smoken dope

Any of you folks car salesman? Were you drug tested prior to getting your job?

wait 30-60 days, it won't come positive...

Can you fail a hair follicle drug test by just being around somebody that has been smoking drugs?

Yes, especially children. Small children frequently test positive for drugs if they've been stuck in a house where drugs are used a lot (marijuana, crack, etc.). If you just walk into a room where someone is smoking marijuana, you're not going to test positive, but if you're around it a lot you may test positive.

Can you fail a hair follicle drug test by just being around somebody that has been smoking drugs?

If you wash your hair, no, you shouldn't fail a drug test. A hair follicle drug test tells whether there is any remaining trace of the drug IN your hair - It gets into your hair from your system, internally. That is to say, if you haven't inhaled it at ALL, it shouldn't show up in your hair. However, if someone has been smoking it and you've been sitting there breathing the smoke, it's a possibility. I wouldn't go to the drug test straight from sitting around chatting with your buddies while they smoke pot, though. :P

Can you fail a hair follicle drug test by just being around somebody that has been smoking drugs?

You can defiantly fail if your around people smoking drugs. Once they exhale, you can inhale secondhand smoke which carries less THC (active ingredient in pot, I assume they were smoking marijuana). Your hair follicle will indicate traces of THC causing you to fail the test.

Can you fail a hair follicle drug test by just being around somebody that has been smoking drugs?

It's like second-hand smoke from regular cigarettes, if you're around it once in a while on an evening out that's not going to do anything to you, but if your room-mate is smoking every day yes those chemicals will be in your system.

How far does a urine drug test go versus a hair sample drug test?

Just curious!

How far does a urine drug test go versus a hair sample drug test?

urine will go back 30days for most drugs, hair will go as far back as the hair is long.

How far does a urine drug test go versus a hair sample drug test?

A urine test will probably show anything from the last few days, whereas a hair test can go back months. If you need a job, the best thing to do is quit using drugs, because even if you manage to pass all the tests, sooner or later your drug use is bound to affect your performance on the job and get you canned anyway.

For a hair sample drug test how far back do they usually look?

The analysis of hair for drugs of abuse is predicated on the fact that drugs that are ingested are circulated in the blood, which in turn nourishes the hair follicle. Small amounts of the circulating drugs are deposited in the hair shaft. These deposits are roughly proportional to the amount of drug originally ingested by the individual. These deposits of drug remain in the hair as it grows at the rate of approximately é—„?inch per month. These drug deposits are not washed or flushed out of the hair and do not diminish over time, but are released only upon the destruction of the hair fiber. Drug use can thus be detected months or even years following ingestion, depending upon the length of the sample collected.

For a hair sample drug test how far back do they usually look?

"Hair follical" tests are the most common and test for recent drug use. Tests on hair itself go back further. Hair grows an inch or so in 30 days, so the hair from a year ago is a foot or so from the scalp. I also believe that washing or treating hair lessens the presence of the chemicals used to identify drugs use so hair further from the scalp (which has been washed or treated more) is less effective in indicating drug use. There are treatment you can buy that say they can make hair tests ineffective. I don't know if they really work though. See here

For a hair sample drug test how far back do they usually look?

I am not sure how true this is but I was once told that hair samples can go back as far as 5 years. Not really sure so don't quote me on that, it's just what I have heard.

For a hair sample drug test how far back do they usually look?

however long your hair is.

For a hair sample drug test how far back do they usually look?

good question.. got something to hide?

I am SOOO glad Im in Canada. They dont tend to do these tests too often.

For a hair sample drug test how far back do they usually look?

The whole growth of the hair. Depends on how long your hair is. Some drugs will show up one year later.

For a hair sample drug test how far back do they usually look?

well if you have real long hair they can check way back the shorter the hair the shorter they can go back ..p.s they usually use pubic hair..if available

For a hair sample drug test how far back do they usually look?

They test the whole hair, so how far back they can check depends on the length of the hair

For a hair sample drug test how far back do they usually look?

I don't know. This is why I shave my head every 6 months.

For a hair sample drug test how far back do they usually look?

well not to the scalp,and the drugs are "IN" the frolics of the hair, so if you did it in the last 6 months, it will show

For a hair sample drug test how far back do they usually look?

they try to expose the roots of your drug problem

For a hair sample drug test how far back do they usually look?

1 year

For a hair sample drug test how far back do they usually look?

6 months is the limit

I took an ectasy pill 2 months ago and never used drugs before or after that will I pass a hair anal

search here:

I took an ectasy pill 2 months ago and never used drugs before or after that will I pass a hair analysis test?

Only if you shave off ALL of your body hair.

I took an ectasy pill 2 months ago and never used drugs before or after that will I pass a hair analysis test?

NO WAY!!!!

Drugs are detectable in and on the hair for up to 7 years depending on how good the test being used is.

Sorry, you're gonna fail that one.

The only alternative is to shave your head. And no, I am not trying to be a smart a**, I am for real.

I took an ectasy pill 2 months ago and never used drugs before or after that will I pass a hair analysis test?

not sure on that..why would you ever want to even try this..did you know this causes bad things to happen in the body..


I took an ectasy pill 2 months ago and never used drugs before or after that will I pass a hair analysis test?

A standard test provides up to a three month history of drug use. The historical use factor is dependent on hair sample length and closeness to the scalp the sample is cropped from.

if this dosent help you should vistit this site it will!

I took an ectasy pill 2 months ago and never used drugs before or after that will I pass a hair analysis test?

No that stays in your hair for years

I took an ectasy pill 2 months ago and never used drugs before or after that will I pass a hair analysis test?

shave your head, donate your hair to locks of loves, then you also have a legitimate reason

Tried cocaine for first time. have to take hair drug test in 2 weeks. will it be detected? please he

I have never done cocaine before but for the first time yesterday I did. It was very little and really didn't even feel anything from it. I have to take a drug test next week (hair and urine). Will it show in my hair test?

Tried cocaine for first time. have to take hair drug test in 2 weeks. will it be detected? please help?

yes it will show up in hair test,but not urine test. everything shows up in hair test.

Tried cocaine for first time. have to take hair drug test in 2 weeks. will it be detected? please help?


Tried cocaine for first time. have to take hair drug test in 2 weeks. will it be detected? please help?

It will most likely show in your hair test. Depending on the length of your hair you, they can detect drug use for many months.

Tried cocaine for first time. have to take hair drug test in 2 weeks. will it be detected? please help?

Absolutley. why would you even do drugs two weeks before a drug test. You Might as well BIC your Body a day or two before the test and if that doesnt work at least you'll look as stupid as your actions : )

Tried cocaine for first time. have to take hair drug test in 2 weeks. will it be detected? please help?


Hair testing is quite accurate and can go back normally 3 months (6 months or longer possible with specialty tests), showing any drugs of abuse used in the detection window. As hair grows out, any drugs used are encased in the hair shaft, so the longer the hair, the longer back in the individual's drug history the lab can detect. Accredited hair drug testing labs, however, only use hair within about 2.5é–³? cm of the scalp, and discard the rest. With head hair each 0.5 inch (1.27 cm) corresponds to about 30 days. This limits the detection history to about 90 days, depending upon the rate at which the individual's hair grows. Some people attempt to circumvent this through shaving their heads. In the absence of the required amount of hair on the scalp, body hair can be used as an acceptable substitute.

Additionally, for pre-employment hair testing, the inability to obtain a sample may be grounds for not hiring the individual. Hair Testing labs are regulated by CLIA or SAMHSA (not FDA). There is a growing trend in major companies and law enforcement agencies to utilize hair analysis on account of its efficiency and reputation as the gold standard when considering test accuracy. This technology makes use of radioimmunoassay technology with subsequent confirmation by mass spectrometry.

In recent years hair testing has been the subject of a number of law suits. Studies have shown that different ethnic groups have different hair structure leading to false-positives.

There are numerous sites that sell products that claim to coat your hair so that the drugs can not be tested. Just search for them.

Tried cocaine for first time. have to take hair drug test in 2 weeks. will it be detected? please help?

you can use a professional clarifying shampoo. Nexxus, Redken,etc. Use shampoo on hair, don't rinse. Put plastic cap over hair and heat for 5 minutes. Wash. Repeat 4 times. Condition your hair well afterward, because it will be dried out. Do it the day before your test. Follow these directions exactly!

Does positive hair follicle drug test constitute enough evidence for supervised visitation of minor?

Probably. Hopefully. Whaddya doing on drugs anyway, loser.

Does positive hair follicle drug test constitute enough evidence for supervised visitation of minor?

Perhaps, it depends on what the judge says.

Does positive hair follicle drug test constitute enough evidence for supervised visitation of minor?

Yes it does...

Does positive hair follicle drug test constitute enough evidence for supervised visitation of minor?

It just depends, a hair follicle test can determine when the last time a person used the drug, and if it is recent enough it could, it also depends on the judge.

Does positive hair follicle drug test constitute enough evidence for supervised visitation of minor?

To visit my child it is, at least until you can prove that you are indeed capable of acting in a responsible manner.

Does positive hair follicle drug test constitute enough evidence for supervised visitation of minor?


Does positive hair follicle drug test constitute enough evidence for supervised visitation of minor?

For most purposes, yes.

It does depend on the individual case, who has screwed up what before, what drug has shown up positive, alcohol and any other extenuating circumstances.

People should be licensed to breed. It's just awful what people put their kids through.

Percocet and hair drug testing?

If somebody took one nonprescribed 5mg percocet 5 days ago and before that they never took any drugs for years. Will the percocet show up in an employment drug test using hair analysis? And how can they get the percocet out of their system so the hair analysis pre-employment drug test will show up clean?

Percocet and hair drug testing?

Tell them what you took before they test you and tell them a family member gave it, because you had severe period pain if you are a woman or backache or something.

Percocet and hair drug testing?

you can't-everything stays in the hair unless you bleach it professionally and then they may still be able to find abuse

Percocet and hair drug testing?

Percocet is an opiate so it may show up on your drug test, if you are really freakin out go to walgreens and by a home drug test (first see if it test for opiates) they are only about $50. my advise to you is to not take unprescribed meds. if you have a bad reaction to it your insurance doesn't have to cover you, or they could even drop you. Also, it could cause you to have many different interactions that your physician would not be aware of.

Percocet and hair drug testing?

urine tests are easily fooled but folicle tests show up to five years of proof of either use or no use.....go get a tooth pulled and get a script. that is a tough one to fix..

Percocet and hair drug testing?

I don't think just one 5mg percocet or oxycodene will show up in a hair analysis test. I think you have to take them for 3 days in a row for the drugs to show up in the hair test.

Percocet and hair drug testing?

hahahaha! Its just a percocet....they are not looking for that in a hair test. They are looking to see you if are on real drugs like weed or acid.

Percocet and hair drug testing?

They test for opiates, and oxycodene is an opiate. And percocet has oxycodene in it. I'm guessing that it could show up on a drug hair test since percocet has oxycodene in it.

Percocet and hair drug testing?

Shave all your hair off. No hair no hair test, they will probably want to do blood and or urine tests.


Hair folicle drug test?how to pass?(w/out shaving head?)? can't. Not even shaving your head will do it. And if you have dark hair, you're really ****** since darker hair usually contains more drugs within the follicle. Don't ask me why, it's just a fact.

Hair folicle drug test?how to pass?(w/out shaving head?)?

Don't do drugs.

Hair folicle drug test?how to pass?(w/out shaving head?)?

there is no way to get past it, even if you shave your head, the will take it from somewhere else(arm pits, puebic hair, eye browes, ect...). So you are screwed

Hair folicle drug test?how to pass?(w/out shaving head?)?

Let's think about this logically -

why do they use this particular test?


So - how to pass the test? Don't do drugs. If you're filled with drug residue, your only avenue is to find a way not to take the test until your system is clean. (And I have NO idea how long that takes.)

Good luck.

Hair folicle drug test?how to pass?(w/out shaving head?)?

first, hair color has nothing to do with it. doesn't matter if you shave your head. they took samples from each of my sons legs (he passed). i've heard that sometimes they will take samples from the pubic region. generally they are reliable for up to six months history.

Hair folicle drug test?how to pass?(w/out shaving head?)?

Sorry to tell you my friend, but there is no way to beat a hair follicle test for drugs. What's more, that test will go back as far as five years! Imagine trying cocaine four or five years ago, and it showing up after all this time!

Hair folicle drug test?how to pass?(w/out shaving head?)?

Dawg you got to wait seven years until there is no drugs in your system. Hey I would be ****** too.

Hair folicle drug test?how to pass?(w/out shaving head?)?

You shouldn't do drugs in the first place. They make vile creatures out of even the best of men.

Hair folicle drug test?how to pass?(w/out shaving head?)?

ther is no way you can trick this test. they pick the hair off of your body and the hair gives a history of when and what drug is present.

Hair Drug Test.?

If I took a few drags from a joint 13 months ago will it show up in a hair test? The hair they took was roughly 3in long from the back of my head. The last time I had any type of drug before that was about 16 years ago.

Hair Drug Test.?

Nope. Hair tests go back 3 month max, unless it is body hair, then you are looking at a 1 year time frame. THC is VERY difficult to detect thru the hair. Often, we have people that are moderate users test negative (which is a good thing), just because it is that hard to detect thru hair.

Hair Drug Test.?

most hair tests can track drug use for about 6 mos

Hair Drug Test.?

13 months

Hair Drug Test.?

Hair test can go back a long way, depending on how much they took. However, if it was really only a few drags off of 1 joint over a year ago, I'm sure you will be fine. It is drug use that shows in the hair follicle and I don't think that is considered drug use.

I believe you will be fine!!

Hair Drug Test.?

if you were AROUND it with in the air it will show up!

Hair Drug Test.?

Its possible, these tests show up microscopic amounts deposited in your cells. Hair is dead cells, so....

Hair Drug Test.?

No drug will show after 13 months .Hair lab test detects drugs only for 90 days.

How much hair do I have to provide for a drug test?

And how long does a strand of hair does the test detect in order for it to be a failed drug test? And could trimming my hair short help?Any info would help

Oh and I havn't smoked in 46 days. I have the drug test tomorrow

How much hair do I have to provide for a drug test?

None of that will work and here is why:

Unless you plan on shaving your head bald...that is how short you would have to get it in order to pass a drug test.

Hair grows from the root near your scalp and there is about 1/8th of an inch of hair that grows inside the root that you can't see before it emerges from the hair shaft.

Your hair will show a positive drug charge covering as many days as it took to grow that hair...that is why hair tests are so incredibly accurate, because they can even narrow it down to the MONTH that you were under the influence.

My advice is to skip the job offer and go somewhere else that does a urine test....because I guarantee you'll fail it.

How much hair do I have to provide for a drug test?

No, you didn't prove me wrong...b/c I put in my answer that unless you SHAVED YOUR HEAD BALD they could still do a hair test.

Guess how much hair is needed for a drug test? Enough to pull out a SINGLE follicle.

So thanks for MAKING UP A SCENERIO that doesn't are BUSTED my friend :) Report It

Hair drug tests?

Is there any anxity perscriptions that would throw off a hair drug test? Like xanax or zoloft? I have a drug test tomorrow.. I smoked pot like a month ago like once.. And have been around people who have.. If my test comes out positive couldnt I just tell them that I haven't smoked and told them it was my friends who were smokin around me? Please help gotta drug test tomorrow!!

Hair drug tests?


Hair drug tests?

No your screwed. Call in sick for the test. Order shampoo off the net that will clean the drugs out of your hair. It works!

Hair drug tests?

wat, a hair drug test? They usally do it by urine, you could ask for a urine drug test.

Hair drug tests?


You would have to be around A LOT of second hand smoke for it to show up on YOUR drug test.

Hair drug tests?

My friend had't smoke pot in over one year, and was half way thru his fireman training and got hair tested and was kicked out on the spot after testing positive.

Hair drug tests?

The hair is cleaned with chemical wash so second hand smoke won't be detected. so they will see it ....sorry....I think drug tests are BS anyway.....U can get drunk every night and noone cares but you smoke weed once in a month and your screwed ............

Hair drug tests?

You can say anything you want but if the test comes back positive for pot they are not going to listen to anything you say. No one walks away from one of those test after those results admitting fault. My advice is to stay away from the pot, there are so much greater things in life...In this case, a job...


Hair drug tests?

There are no prescription drug that will throw off a hair sample fro a drug screening----that is the reason they started using it---to have a more accurate reading! In order to test positive because you were around the smoke--you would have to been in a room filled with marijuana smoke for hours

Hair drug tests?

The test will be positive. Weed stays in your system for up to 5 weeks, and the only way is to cut it all off like brittany did.

Your hair has teeny rings in it like a tree does. The hair holds the drugs DNA in it in the rings and it grows out, like bark does on a tree.

Hair drug tests?

If you really only smoked once like a month ago they'll probably just dismiss it, or you could do what someone suggested and try asking for a urine test.

Hair drug tests?

not really..its the THC in pot that stays in your bloodstream for over a your hair?

"When THC metabolites are in the blood, they go through the blood vessels in the head, and get filtered through the hair. THC metabolites remain in the hair as a permanent record. The hair test costs several hundred dollars ($150-$300) and is rarely given because urinalysis is cheaper (approximately $65) and more accurate. (The hair test equipment and set-up goes for over a million). According to Jeff Nightbyrd, hair tests are "widely used in the casino industry." They cut 50 strands of hair from the scalp, and send it in to the testing lab where they liquefy it. "A hair sample is dissolved in a series of solvents which extract the drug metabolites and then are analyzed via GC/MS." It can take several hours to days just to extract metabolites."

from THIS site about hair drug testing:

or THIS site:

which offers shampoos too

hope i helped!

Hair drug tests?

it wont work cause it is scientifliy proven that in the amount in your systom if its from 2nd inhale it takes it 6 mnths to a year to get out of the roots of your hair good luck

Hair drug tests?

so you want a prescription for a narcotic to throw off a hair drug test??????? interesting. let me know how that combo works out for you.

Do prescription drugs effect the test results of hair follicle drug test? If so what drugs effect th

As long as they are YOUR prescriptions and for legitimate conditions, just bring a list of what you are on and you'll be fine.

Do prescription drugs effect the test results of hair follicle drug test? If so what drugs effect the test?

Prescription drugs will show up, but typically those aren't what they are testing for. They look for illegal drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, and methanphetamines. Are you worried?

I have a Hair Follicle Drug test comingup soon. The only substance I have in my system is hydrocodon

my wisdom teeth extracted in the fall and recieved a prescription for 25 pills. However, I have taken well over the 25 pills in the detection period covered. My parents give me some of their pills for sciatica problems that I have periodically. I don't abuse the medication, but none the less I am concerned. What will happen if Hydrocodone is one of the drugs tested for, and the levels are higher then my prescribed amount?

I have a Hair Follicle Drug test comingup soon. The only substance I have in my system is hydrocodone. I had?

Hydrocodone is in the class of opiates and is one of five drugs their look for in a drug screen. You should not be concern, since you were under a doctor's supervision while taking the hydrocodone. Just make sure that you tell your future employer about any prescription medication you are currently taking.

A hair follicle drug test will normally detect used drugs in the past, dating back to almost 5yrs.

The levels of the drugs will not a factor other than if it is below the limit of detection and wells for your case, an entire prescription bottle of hydrocodone, will most likely be detected.

Good Luck, and make sure you tell them about your prescription so that they don't hold it against you.

I have a Hair Follicle Drug test comingup soon. The only substance I have in my system is hydrocodone. I had?

you cant hide anything from a hair test....

best is you tell em why you've had the vicodin

I have a Hair Follicle Drug test comingup soon. The only substance I have in my system is hydrocodone. I had?

I do not believe you have a problem.I believe their more after

street drugs. Relax you can't change your results but if I am wrong just tell them why you took it.

I have a Hair Follicle Drug test comingup soon. The only substance I have in my system is hydrocodone. I had?

Just did you take well over the 25 pills if that's all the doctor gave you???

If you have a prescription for the medication you are on, you should not have a problem...but they may want to know why the extracted tooth is still bothering you several months later.

I have a Hair Follicle Drug test comingup soon. The only substance I have in my system is hydrocodone. I had?

as long as you tell the truth before the test, it will be fine.

When you are drug tested from hair sample, will hair dye affect the test?

If you smoke weed and they say it's already out of your urine, but they want to take a test with a hair sample, But you have colored your hair a different color, will the test still show up or not?

When you are drug tested from hair sample, will hair dye affect the test?

The hair color will not effect the chemical content of the hair taken by the root, it is a follicular thair test that gives a snapshot of what has been put through the system within a certain time period.

When you are drug tested from hair sample, will hair dye affect the test?

It's a hair folical test. So hair dye will not affect it. The hair folical test can show drug use for 1 to 2 years.

Drug test using hair samples??

I have to take a drug test for pre-employment in about a week. The last time I smoked was like a month ago and before that, I think it was a little while too. I don't smoke alot when I do smoke and then most of the time it's a while in between. How screwed am I???? I know that there is nothing that I can do, but what are my odds of passing this test???

Drug test using hair samples??

They are low--sorry you asked--however, the testers are not all that good ,and some pass when they should not, so I would go and take my chances ---1 more option,stop--

Drug test using hair samples??

I've heard they can take a hair sample and go back about 6 months. If they do a urine test, it's about two weeks. I guess your chance is about 50/50.

What type of drug test is required to work for the post office as a carrier? hair test,urine.....or

my friend is wanting to work for the post office and may have smoked a little pot although enough time has passed for a standard urine test he was worried about the hair


Hair follicle drug testing??help??

okay so i use to smoke marijuana on a consitant basis...i recently quit for good( dont smoke at all ne more and prolly wont again) about a month trying to get into my local union .. my local union says they require a urine test and a hair follice drug test upon guarentees i will get in but if i do, i have to take these drug test. my question is ... if they test urin and hair what drugs ae on the hair test....i never have done any hardcore drugs or any prescrption drugs except last january when i broke my hand .... doc's gave my vikoden......anyways whta drugs are they testing for in the hair.....why are they asking for both test's (urine and hair) and what do i have do to to pass....i need this job and not stupid answers ...i quite thats need to lectures....just sum helpfull information please.....thanx

Hair follicle drug testing??help??

I would shave my head and beard, and try to put off the test for as long as possible.

And stay clean.

The vicodin doesn't stay in your system like marijuana does - and since it was that long ago, it isn't anything to worry about.

You can try some of the things that they sell for cleaning your system out (they probably make stuff or washing your hair with to 'clean' it too, but I can't vouch for any of them).

Drink lots of water, and cranberry juice. And put off the tests for as long as possible. Make some excuse - go out of town or something. But stay clean!

Hair follicle drug testing??help??

Generally, a hair follicle test is used to screen for drugs that are metabolized rather quickly and excreted through the urine. Drugs that are freebased like crack cocaine and methamphetamine can be detected in the hair a few days after they are excreted in the urine. Urine test are really only designed to screen drug use within the last few days or marijuana use. The problem is the longer you use marijuana the more THC is stored in adipose tissue and builds up. This means that a long term marijuana user may still fail a urine drug test several months after they have stopped using. I would explain to the employers about your past, or wait at least 3 months for the drug to be metabolized.

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

I only smoked a few hits on the weekends only. Will this show up in my hair? I had my hair cut about 3 weeks ago. It is still medium length. Just curious.

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

The company I work for has a zero tolerance policy, and that means past,present and future...! The public (people) can get hurt and/or die if I am not alert. We have randem drug testing all the time, you never know when you will be called in..We can't even take Nyquil for the flu, precriptions drugs only, and we have a list from our Union what over the counter drugs are exceptable.We have been told, that hair folicle Drug testing can detect drugs in you, for up to a year...! It;s even longer if you have long hair, And if you go and shave your head before the test..They can still not hire you, because than they know you do drugs..You see you are still not hired until all interveiws and testing is completed and they won't tell you your hired until than, so your screwed!! I know of many many good people out there, that would give their shirts off their backs to help someone, but they refuse to give up drugs and acohol, even if it's a weekend thing..I have also seen just as many people killed and seriously hurt because of it too..So hopfully, you can get the big picture and stop now, with doing any kind of illegal drugs and get a good paying job with good benefits and have a career with a retirement plan or work for McDonalds Your Choice!

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

yes, it probably will. I would definately count on it showing up.

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

Maybe. It takes about 3 months to clear

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

yep your screwed.

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

You're hosed.

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

Yep, it will. It can show up in your hair for up to one year... That's how long drugs stay in your system.

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

Do you consider smoking sh*t, I mean weed, is an achievement to brag about?

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

If you only smoked a few hits on the weekend, then you have smoked within 30 days, and yes. It will show.

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

Yes it will show up...Some speculate that is why Britney Spears shaved her head. It will stay in your hair for a year or more.

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

Probably. I'm not sure if it's true but I was told that weed will show up in your hair for up to a year. Good luck with your test!

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?


I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

It shouldnt. Most the times when you get it cut, it wont show up.

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

sorry,i think hair follicle goes back 5 years

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

with a hair folical test it will show up even if you hadnt smoked it in 2-3yrs.

At least thats the claim. I dont believe it because that test is very inaccurate and has given alot of false positives.

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

Your screwed!!!

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

Yes I believe the Hulk is one of the most powerful super heroes of all time.

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

Sorry, hair follicle testing goes back about 6 months when it comes to testing for drugs. Sucks, but it's true. You'd probably be safe if you had to do a piss test though!

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

Oh, it will still be there. Has nothing to do with you getting your hair cut. They will take a follicle test--the root.

It will show positive for 6 months.

**No shampoo or hair color will do anything. The follicle is UNDER the scalp.

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

Yes, you will test dirty. The hair follicle test can detect marijuana for up to 6 months.

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

yep, hair folicle tests show up for a while, approx 3 months. They make shampoos, but good luck cause those are hard to beat if not impossible

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

Yes unless you shave your head almost could make up some reason..someone pulled a prank while you were sleeping,you did it to donate your hair.I myself would not be able to lie but if you do maybe this is a sign that it's time to stop smoking pot.Almost any good job will do drug testing before they hire you.If your being forced to do a follicle test I'm guessing it's been court ordered for some reason

I have not smoked any weed for over 30 days now and I have to take a Hair Folical Drug test.?

the gig is up for you

Does a DOT drug test consist of hair testing ?

Hair follicle testing is expensive and is rarely done. A simple UA is what DOT conducts.

Does a DOT drug test consist of hair testing ?

nope just pee-pee


I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm

Should I buy something like a shampoo, etc (if so what kind) or am I good to go?

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

no your kinda screwed i'm sorry drugs can last in your hair for up to 7 years...

and if you go out and do something crazy like shaving your head they'll get enough hair where they need too.. they'll get it from your arms.. chest.. legs.. back where ever :)

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe? should quit for good so you dont have to worrie about such things...

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

disnt know they could test you for drugs with hair....I donno sorry

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

No. Unfortunately my dear, drugs can stay in the cuticle part of the hair for up to 7 years. If you are male, I suggest shaving your head.

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

Shave your head....

You will have it in your hair until you chop your hair off. It doesnt fade out of your hair. So like girls that have long hair they can tell if you have done drugs in the last like 3 years. Shampoos wont get that out...

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

from what ive read on here, no, hair tests may show up to 3 months later

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

you fat dummy.

i hope they bust you.

and the drug is IN your hair, its not like dirt you can just wash away.

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

Better start shavin'....It don't come out of your hair....

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?



I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

The hair sample is designed to detect drugs that were in your system up to several months ago.

Shampoo will not wash the evidence away.

The only way you're good to go is if the sampling technician is a moron.

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

pot stays in your system for about 30 days but it stays in the hair that you had when you were still smoking. go get a real short haircut. hopefully it will help.

good luck

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

No. Hair follicle tests show drug use up to a year before the actual test. Shampoo won't do you any good. Sorry.

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

A hair sample will tell the drugs you've used for the past 3 months. Is it for a job? You should've checked beforehand - good luck - don't smoke :-)

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

the best thing to do would be to get a hair samples can give evidence of pot regardless of how long its been...its in the hair shaft...not just the cuticle..see ur :)

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

depends on when you got your last hair cut,,,,,there is nothing to change the stucure of the chemical in your hair.

You could shave your head or get a buzz cut and be safe.

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

I am sorry to say that you are not safe. After reading the other answers I am compelled to add that My Husband took a hair drug screen and he shaves his head. Thay took the hair from his legs so shaving your head will not help.

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

last seven years! if guy save your head!

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

shampoo will not help, if you have gotten a crew cut or other short haircut recently you are ok, hair grows about a half inch a month on average so if you have been weed free for two months then the bottom inch (closest to the scalp) should be weedless. also only government jobs test for weed with any regularity, unless this is a high risk security job/ bank manager/commercial pilot job they will ask for a hair sample to scare off potheads and then never test it to save the money. weed tests are expensive!

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

They still can sense it. for months how ever long your hair is. Make sure you are seen eating poppy seeds. Bagels, Muffins, crackers, that is your alibi. It is often mistaken a drugs on the test. there you go say you love poppy seed! would have trouble for fire-ring you.

I hope to god you don't work at a hospital! Or with children!

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

I suggest shaving your head to a 1. If it's been a month, it probably wont show up in the hair closest to the scalp.

Sux that something God gave us can get us into so much trouble.

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

I don t know........

Why you used marijuana at all???

What is wrong kids this days?

I never try nothing......And I am normal.......Relatively normal.....

I have a war here,and bombing and don t have finished faculty,be raped,have a million problems........And never take any DRUGS !!!

Grow up man......

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

No ur not safe. Even if you shave your hair it's in the folicules (the roots of your hair). You have hair all over your body, eyebrows, arms, legs, head %26amp; facial, among other places. Even if you were to become completely hairless your new hair growing in will still be tainted for up to or as long as seven years. YOUR SCREWED!!

I have not use marijuana for a month, I'm taking a drug test (hair sample)in two days, I'm am safe?

No, i would suggest shaving your head. Otherwise your not gonna pass!

How long does it take to get hair follicle drug test results back???

I took the test on Monday.

How long does it take to get hair follicle drug test results back???

48-72 hours for the results to come back to the collection site.

Do you think that Presidential candidates should have a mandatory hair sample drug test and a mental

I mean I plug in numbers all day at work and I had at answer personality questions to make sure i wasn't crazy and I had to be drug tested before they could even offer me the job.

Don't you think they should do this to the people who want to run our country...

Do you think that Presidential candidates should have a mandatory hair sample drug test and a mental check up?

I think randoms of our Senate and Congress as well.

I mean they are the ones that implemented drug testing in the workforce (Reagan war on drugs).

What's good for the goose is good for the gander...right?


That might explain some things.

Do you think that Presidential candidates should have a mandatory hair sample drug test and a mental check up?

Yes and a lie detector test.

Hillary would fail.

Do you think that Presidential candidates should have a mandatory hair sample drug test and a mental check up?

Bill clinton, hillary, bush and mccain would all not have passed the test.

Vote Obama

Do you think that Presidential candidates should have a mandatory hair sample drug test and a mental check up?

No. that has really never been a problem. Some have used drugs in the past but not really in any immdediate time before taking office.

Bush once used cocaine, and is a recovering alcoholic, but that is in the past and there is no sign of mental illness. I think he is stupid, but not crazy.

The voters weed that out pretty well I think.

Do you think that Presidential candidates should have a mandatory hair sample drug test and a mental check up?

Sure, why not? Strap them into a lie detector during the debates. We deserve it.

Do you think that Presidential candidates should have a mandatory hair sample drug test and a mental check up?

I think you'd narrow the field down too much.

Do you think that Presidential candidates should have a mandatory hair sample drug test and a mental check up?

They are the ones that created the laws that everyone has to supply evidence against themselves (urine sample) without any formal charges which can be used against them when trying to obtain a job. If congress is so willing to walk all over our rights to satisfy the insurance lobby then they themselves should submit to drug screening. It wouldn't surprise me at all to find out that 50% of them are taking drugs that they shouldn't be taking after all look at their results. I know that if my productivity at work was the same as congress I would have been fired long ago.

Do you think that Presidential candidates should have a mandatory hair sample drug test and a mental check up?

I don't think this whole "EVERYONE is a terrorist, drug addict, crazy person, until THEY PROVE they aren't" way of thinking is wrong, so, no, I don't support expanding it.

Besides, neither of those things is infallible. There are false positives, and false negatives; and I don't feel secure in any particular method of gauging mental health in some one "check-up" -- so it would just be a big hypey thing, with no real purpose.