Sunday, July 26, 2009

Britney Spears cut hair for drug test?

The newest info is that she cut her hair to avoid taking a drug test that could have hurt her chances of getting custody of her kids with her divorce. Her hair would have tested positive for drugs.

Anyone agree? It makes sense to me.

Britney is always out partying so she never spends any quality time with her kids.

Britney Spears cut hair for drug test?

To answer the person who asked why take hair samples for a drug test.

Easy. With a blood test, the drugs could be out of the body in a few days or a few months, so when the drug test is done, it might turn up negative. In the past, why do you think all these Olympic athletes have a schedule on when they should take steroids and when they should stop? It's so that they can beat the test because they know when they're going to get tested, so they have plenty of time to get the drugs out of their system. By using hair, it's possible to tell how long someone has been using drugs. The downside to using hair is that it can lead to a false positive. Hair can collect drug residues, so a positive test might show up even though the person might not have used drugs. Just by being around someone who smokes dope, a false positive test is possible.

To answer the question. I don't think she shaved her head to avoid getting a positive drug test because hair isn't very reliable. Like I said, a false positive test is possible. There's a reason why the World Anti-Doping Agency uses urine and not hair, it's because urine is free of contamination.

Britney Spears cut hair for drug test?

britney is gonna be in heaven with anna nicole

Britney Spears cut hair for drug test?

I agree, Britany is a horrible mother, and she never pays attetion to them.. She has been too busy partying to care about her kids.. Like she even loves them... Well actually K-FED would probably make even a worse father, so i say that they go to foster care, both parents are too unfit to care for childern, ecpesially at their ages, They deserve better

Britney Spears cut hair for drug test?

i think she is nuts now, i didn't mind her so much, a little to Michal Jackson for me

Britney Spears cut hair for drug test?

Why would anyone test hair for drugs when you can take blood????

That sounds like BS.

Britney Spears cut hair for drug test?

marajuana does stay in the hair longer than the blood yeah..i guess it could be...but wasnt she selling the hair on ebay? the person who buys it might drug test it?

Britney Spears cut hair for drug test?

That's a good point.

Britney Spears cut hair for drug test?

It's obviously because of the drug-test. On her first day at rehab, they told her she would be scheduled for a hair-sample drug test...and she then immediately left and cut off all of her hair.

She wants everyone to believe it is because of depression/insanity because that only leaves her with sympathy from others.

Britney Spears cut hair for drug test?

She got rid of her underwear for the same reason, she heard they could be etested for drugs.

Seriously, somebody please intervene and make this sad "celebrity" get some help.

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