Sunday, July 26, 2009

I have a question about a hair follicle drug test....?

my mom and stepdad are going through a divorce, and in order to see the kids they were both required to take a hair follicle drug test. He took his Tuesday of last week... My mom took hers Friday... They have her results back but not his... any theories??

he has been on drugs since he was 16 yrs old.... but he swears he got off of them...

I have a question about a hair follicle drug test....?

Follicle test can show drugs in your system up to six months after use, but are much more expensive than urine tests so aren't normally used. Maybe they saw something in the test and had to send it out for futher investigation. It doesn't mean he actually did drugs, sometimes supplements can show up oddly too...

I have a question about a hair follicle drug test....?

maybe they had a problem with his test.. i imagine his hair is shorter.. perhaps they ran out of sample? or something

I have a question about a hair follicle drug test....?


I have a question about a hair follicle drug test....?

It could be for a number of reasons. Some just take longer than others. It doesn't necessarily mean he is on drugs.

I have a question about a hair follicle drug test....?

ok well first of all it might have just taken longer to do his test dont worry about that part however, a hair folicale test can trace drugs for 6 to 8 months back so depending on how long ago he quit he might still have traces in his dna.

I have a question about a hair follicle drug test....?

drugs stay in hair a long time so there was some in there and they are prolly tryin to determine how long ago it was that he did them...

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