I think the crazy nurse took too much. Although it will grow back but I have a bald spot the size of a quarter in the middle of my head. Although I have enough hair to cover it but I can't help knowing its there. How much hair was she supposed to remove?
How much hair is removed for a hair drug test?
No more than 7 usually, and if she did it right, you should not be able to notice where she took them from. So apparently she didn't!! I would seriously call the place where you had the testing done and complain! That sounds horrible! I can't believe she did this to you, So yeah she fuc ked up, call her superior and get her butt in trouble!!!
How much hair is removed for a hair drug test?
just like 1 strand
How much hair is removed for a hair drug test?
about 20 strands from the nape of the neck and about 3 inches from the scalp
How much hair is removed for a hair drug test?
Three to seven strands with the roots attached and intact. She may have plucked the strands wrong and damaged the root, hence the need to take out more.
How much hair is removed for a hair drug test?
dont think it requires alot. u must've gotten a pissed off nurse.
How much hair is removed for a hair drug test?
no more than four strands, SUE her. She was being a vicious
*****. Who gave her the right? It suppose to be pulled not shaved. psycho!!!! ok, no lawyer will accept the job, BUT, you can pray to have God get revenge for you and you just forgive her and He will take care of her mean butt.
How much hair is removed for a hair drug test?
They usually pull 3 or 4 hairs to insure that they have a root to test. The hair itself is dead, so they need the root for a live cell test. If she took that much, I would complain about it. There shouldn't be any visible difference from having one done.
How much hair is removed for a hair drug test?
barely anything maybe 2 or 3 strands...
yeah uhm, she took way too much! All they really need is one strand, but they take a FEW more just in case...
wow.. im sorry!
How much hair is removed for a hair drug test?
I have no idea how much hair she was supposed to remove, but heres some tips to cover it up if thats what your worried about : super high pony tail right over the bald spot, cool hats, bandannas, or any other things that you can think of i know this isnt the awnser to your question
How much hair is removed for a hair drug test?
they only need a few, no more than 10 to do the trick. they need the hair because as it grows the stuff you put in your body comes out thru your hair. so if you smoked pot 3 months ago they will be able to see a band about 11/2 inches up the shaft. since the hair grows 1/2 inch a month.
How much hair is removed for a hair drug test?
Plucking (tweezing), Shaving, Depilatory creams and Waxing are temporary hair removal methods.
Waxing usually lasts for 3 weeks, but it is painful.
Electrolysis and laser hair removal are "permanent" hair removal methods but are expensive and you have to find a trained professional, otherwise your skin could be damaged.
A review of the various hair removal methods is available at http://tinyurl.com/ob6tt
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