Sunday, July 26, 2009

If u did a pinch of cocaine and then got a hair drug test not even a week later will it come up in t

Cocaine comeing up in the results of the test?

anyone know:?

If u did a pinch of cocaine and then got a hair drug test not even a week later will it come up in the results

probably, don't take the chance. stay away from drugs,

If u did a pinch of cocaine and then got a hair drug test not even a week later will it come up in the results

Yes you will test positive.

If u did a pinch of cocaine and then got a hair drug test not even a week later will it come up in the results

ha yep ... your screwed

If u did a pinch of cocaine and then got a hair drug test not even a week later will it come up in the results

i think so. hair tests are very reliable.

If u did a pinch of cocaine and then got a hair drug test not even a week later will it come up in the results


If u did a pinch of cocaine and then got a hair drug test not even a week later will it come up in the results

It will show up

If u did a pinch of cocaine and then got a hair drug test not even a week later will it come up in the results


If u did a pinch of cocaine and then got a hair drug test not even a week later will it come up in the results

Why did you do drugs?

If u did a pinch of cocaine and then got a hair drug test not even a week later will it come up in the results

just go look it up =]

If u did a pinch of cocaine and then got a hair drug test not even a week later will it come up in the results

you will be able to detect the cocaine for 2 years or more depending on how long your hair is. When your boss fires you and the state takes your kids away all you have to say is "But!!! It was just a pinch, just a small one!!"

If u did a pinch of cocaine and then got a hair drug test not even a week later will it come up in the results

They have shampoo for this. weather or not it works 100% effective I don't kow.

If u did a pinch of cocaine and then got a hair drug test not even a week later will it come up in the results

YES yes yes. hair strand tests detect drug use months back...urine tests aren't as effective but hair sample can tell you if someone did coke as far as 6 months back.

If u did a pinch of cocaine and then got a hair drug test not even a week later will it come up in the results

Cocaine, even a little tiny bit (it's always a little tiny bit) will show up clearly for quite some time.Why do you want to mess with that stuff? Do you know of anyone anywhere who has ever benefited from it?

If u did a pinch of cocaine and then got a hair drug test not even a week later will it come up in the results

yep sry, your *** is going to jail

If u did a pinch of cocaine and then got a hair drug test not even a week later will it come up in the results

why dont you take the test, and let us know what happened.

if it was just a pinch (which it never is) your not screwed. it only stays in your system for so long.

I know for a fact cocaine stays in your urine for 3 days..maybe a week..thats stretching it. as far as how long it stays in your hair.

not sure. a bit longer.

Ive never heard of hair drug test. thats kinda stupid.

If u did a pinch of cocaine and then got a hair drug test not even a week later will it come up in the results

just a "pinch" you say, aye? mmmhmmm.... yeah, you're screwed. in the future, I'd keep the pinching to a minimum if I were you

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