Sunday, July 26, 2009

Everyone knows Britney Spears cut her hair to avoid a drug test.?

However, would she be able to pass a hair folicle drug test with even an inch of hair?

Was there any other way to get around it? How long does drugs (marijuana, coke, cocaine, herion) stay in your hair?

Couldn't she have just bleached it?

Everyone knows Britney Spears cut her hair to avoid a drug test.?

If she recently did any drugs, then yes they could tell from only 1 in of hair. marijuana, coke, and other drugs stay in your hair forever - until you cut off that section. Your hair is like the rings of a tree. Dying your hair will not cover up all drugs, it may just give an inaccurate reading. Most people performing the drug test are only concerned with the hair closest to your scalp because that would show the most recent usage.

Everyone knows Britney Spears cut her hair to avoid a drug test.?

I feel bad for Britney Spears. I think everyone needs to leave her alone. She already beat the crap out of a paparazzi vehicle for stalking her. She lost her kids, her ex-husband is now buddies with her ex-bf justin timberlake, and britney is caught up in rehab for things I am sure she regrets. It's time to leave her alone.

Everyone knows Britney Spears cut her hair to avoid a drug test.?

I don't think she even has an inch of hair yet--more like a centemeter! I'm not an expert or anything, but I think drugs can be detected in your hair until it grows out. Bleaching it wouldn't matter, you could still tell.

Personally, I think her hair was so nasty before with all the extensions and dying that she's done to it over the years. The only way to repair all that damage was to shave it, but I doubt that's why she did it :)

Everyone knows Britney Spears cut her hair to avoid a drug test.?

Um look people need to lay of britney's case. no...that was not the problem bc if it was...someone would have picked the hair on the ground up! my goddness you idiot! Ok for everone who reads this and aggrees w/ the chick who wrote have issues! Have you never heard of r.u.m.o.r.s????? If not....get use to hearing them!

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