Sunday, July 26, 2009

How do i pass a hair folucule drug test?

i need to pass a hair folucle drug test what type of hair shampoo would i use to 100% pass it ?

How do i pass a hair folucule drug test?

Start shaving your head and tell people you've joined a cult.

How do i pass a hair folucule drug test?

no shampoo will work.Im afraid You will have tio give yourself a baldy and shave the lot off as drugs penetrate the hir shaft and no shampoo can get rid of that.good luck!

How do i pass a hair folucule drug test?

by not doing drugs, but if you have then I guess ur s-o-l.

No way around the hair they can go back for years with the hair. Shaving head will not work because then they just take one from the chest.

How do i pass a hair folucule drug test?

It's easy to pass a hair follicle drug test. Don't take drugs. Easy. If you don't pass the test, too bad. I guess you shouldn't have taken any drugs. Did that teach you a lesson? Probably not.

How do i pass a hair folucule drug test?

if your using drugs, your not going to pass any kind of drug test. if you want to pass a drug test, why don't you do the smart thing and don't use drugs. shampoo is not going to make you pass the test, its just going to make your hair clean and smell good.

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