I was wondering what you can do to strip your hair before you take a hair folical drug test? Can you just bleach your hair or is there something special that you can buy to wash your hair with? All suggestions are welcome. Thank you.
How do you strip your hair before a drug test?
you really cant do anything to guarantee you will pass for a couple reasons...1) you dont know for sure where they will take the hair from, they can take it from anywhere on your body %26amp; 2) they test the root so bleaching or coloring your hair will do NO GOOD, they test what underneath your skin not what on top
How do you strip your hair before a drug test?
There's a special shampoo you can get at head shops. It washes most of it out. If they do a folicle test though you are screwed. Still, the shampoo is your best bet. I would also recommend prayer. Cause you're gunna need it.
How do you strip your hair before a drug test?
you cannot strip your hair before a test and most of those special shampoos unfortunately do not work. your best bet is to cut your hair as short as you are willing to do and hope for the best. good luck.
How do you strip your hair before a drug test?
shampoo 3 by paul mitchell is a clairfying shampoo
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