Sunday, July 26, 2009

Will I pass the hair follicle drug test? What do I do to pass?

Ok, yesterday i was at a party. I was a little bit inebriated and made some bad judgements. I had about 4 inhales of some "hydro" marijuana. I realized after I smoked that that I have a hair follicle drug test in about 3 1/2 months for a job opportunity with GM. Ive never smoked marijuana before last night, and I am not going to smoke it again. Will I pass? What should I do to increase my chances on passing? I was thinking about growing my hair fast with rogaine or something.

Will I pass the hair follicle drug test? What do I do to pass?

Another stupid 10 minutes messing up the rest of your life.

You probably won't pass, it stays in your hair along time. There are products that will "clean" your hair, suppose to at least.

Will I pass the hair follicle drug test? What do I do to pass?

more than likely no you will not pass there is nothign you can do about a hair follicle test, you can only clean your system from blood or urine..good luck

Will I pass the hair follicle drug test? What do I do to pass?

In 3 1/2 months you should be fine, especially since it was your first time.

Will I pass the hair follicle drug test? What do I do to pass?

It kind of depends on the test that they use. They can check you hair as long back as the hair has been growing, and THC stays in your system for quite a while anyway.

I presume that it means that GM is serious about even "casual" drug use. Tests like this not only identify people with substance abuse problems, they also identify people who succumb easily to peer pressure and those who are prone to "questionable" snap judgments about moral issues.

(People who do something wrong and then rationalize it afterwards are not the kind of employees I try to chose for my workplace.)

Will I pass the hair follicle drug test? What do I do to pass?

There's no reliable way to "clean" yourself for a drug test.

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