Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pre-employment drug test for municipal job- hair or urine?

I was just offered a job with a municipality. It's a confidential/managerial position (office work- no heavy machinery or driving). I've never had a pre-employment drug test before, even when I took a job with the State! Has anybody taken pre-employment drug tests for a town or something similar? Do they usually just do a urine test, or do they go all out and do hair testing too?


Pre-employment drug test for municipal job- hair or urine?

Due to budget constraints because we are sick of paying taxes, it is usually urine. Hair is expensive so used by few companies.

Good luck and congrats

Pre-employment drug test for municipal job- hair or urine?


Pre-employment drug test for municipal job- hair or urine?

Its probably pee. The second answer is if you do it every day, it will take 30 days. The third answer is drink 64 ounces of water a hour before you pee, and take 1 vitamin b and 1 createn.

Pre-employment drug test for municipal job- hair or urine?

Why are you so worried? Guess you are not "clean"??? I hope they can find someone who deserves the position, because you sure don't!

Pre-employment drug test for municipal job- hair or urine?


@ CD don't be so mean

Pre-employment drug test for municipal job- hair or urine?

A lot of companies do that---not only municipal,but any government jobs,bank jobs or any company dealing with money and investments.It takes 5 minutes and all you do is just pee in a cup.Then it takes 48 hours to process.Easy need to worry have been doing something.

Pre-employment drug test for municipal job- hair or urine?

Usually it is urine. By taking a hair sample they can tell if you use drugs weeks earlier.

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