Sunday, July 26, 2009

Passing a hair follicle drug test?

I have a really great job interview coming up and I will have to take a hair follicle drug test. I have smoked marijuana regularly during the past six months but quit about a month ago. Has anyone with similair circumstances ever tried anything to pass that actually worked?

Passing a hair follicle drug test?

Oh boy閳?Many factors come into play when talking about passing a hair follicle drug test. For starters:

-Some lab hair drug tests are easier to pass than others

- Masking or temporary products that coat your hair do not work. All hair labs now thoroughly wash the hair, rinsing away all masking agents before the hair is tested.

-To have any chance at passing a hair drug test, you must effectively detoxify the hair with a strong cleanser and not mask.

Why so hard to pass? Any toxins, like drug metabolites in your body, grow into the hair shaft. The inner shaft of the hair is called the cortex. This is initially where drug metabolites are found once deposited into newly formed hair strands. The cortex is filled with pigments and proteins, and as the hair grows the metabolites are pushed towards the outer edge of the cortex. On the outside of the cortex are cuticles, which resemble shingles on a house. The cortex is very hard to penetrate and only certain substances can get in or near the cortex. But to be able to even get near the outer edges of the cortex where the drug metabolites are stored, to wash them away, you have to open up the cuticles or shingles.

Hair labs can detect just trace amounts of drug metabolites. You are not going to be able to find any hair detoxification product that can be guaranteed to work 100% of the time. Do not waste your time looking because it does not exist. See if you can find a product called Precision Cleanse or Afterburner. Both are hair detoxification products and not masking agents. Neither guarantees a 100% pass but success results are about 90%. And, it doesn閳ユ獩 come cheap. Plan on spending between $140 - $190, depending on length of your hair.

Passing a hair follicle drug test?

nope ur not going to pass it. that is why they do hair follicle test. cant beat it.

Passing a hair follicle drug test?

probably your best bet is to go to a salon to have your hair stripped. not sure this will work. otherwise - go and pay the price of doing drugs. the nice thing about a drug test for a job you already have is that they give you rehab. but if you don't have the job yet, they just don't hire you.

Passing a hair follicle drug test?

I have heard that hair tests show AT LEAST 6 months. They are extremely exspensive to get done for the company so they need extreme accuracy.

Passing a hair follicle drug test?

Yes dye your hair the same color it is,two days before the test. you'll past, and if you haven't smoked in a month you should be cool the scientist say's weed stay in your system 30 days.

Passing a hair follicle drug test?

You cannot do anything to your hair to pass the drug test. Despite numerous products out there, nothing actually works for a hair follicle drug test.

You have to pay the price of doing drugs.

Passing a hair follicle drug test?

Your hair is your history. The hair and the follicle lives for years. As the follicle grows the hair longer and longer, whatever is in the blood stream will be picked up and deposited in your hair. There's no way to change the past.

Passing a hair follicle drug test?

Nothing is going to work but good ol fashion time. I'd pass the job up so that way after 6months or so you can maybe have another chance at it rather than ruin any future with this company.

Passing a hair follicle drug test?

There's nothing u can do, unless u shave your head. that's why they take a hair sample because the drugs are in the follicle. If these people r willing to pay the $ to get this test, They no its for sure.

Passing a hair follicle drug test?

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