I don't smoke pot but my wife does. She smokes out side but some smoke always finds its way into the house. Could this small amount show up in a test or was the test just wrong??
I had a positive result for marijuana from a hair drug test?
My knowledge of this subject is spotty and mostly based on NORML propaganda and antecdotes. Though I do believe this is an example of why the hair test is very powerful (and dangerous). I may be wrong but trace elements of a substance could be found in hair without being present in the urine or blood. An aquaintance of mine was applying for a high profile federal gov't job and was very paranoid about being anywhere near smoke from maijuana. Hopefully somebody will question it as being a false positive. Considering you were subjected to a hair test I assume it must have been for a very important reason. Probably important enough to contact an attorney as soon as possible. I'm not sure of Officer Drug Researcher's credentials but he may want to search medline (http://entrezpubmed.com/). The subject has been researched and results have been published that may not support his opinion.
I had a positive result for marijuana from a hair drug test?
I suppose it could be passive smoking.
I had a positive result for marijuana from a hair drug test?
it shoudn't
but it is possible
take a shower with a strong shampoo
I had a positive result for marijuana from a hair drug test?
I don't believe that. That might be the story you are telling your probation officer, but it doesn't fly with me. You would have to smoke it yourself for it to show up in your blood, urine and hair follicles.
I had a positive result for marijuana from a hair drug test?
Yes this small amount could definalty show up on a hair folicle test. But is very unlikely. It could show up though, if you are around her while she smokes. The body aborbs the toxins into your system which inturn causes a contact high.
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