Sunday, July 26, 2009

Will I test positive for weed in a hair drug test?

I smoke daily. I am also a dialysis patient and have my blood cleaned every other day. Will the weed have enough time to deposit into my hair?

Will I test positive for weed in a hair drug test?

Absolutely. Marijuana stays in your hair for years.

Will I test positive for weed in a hair drug test?

yes it stays for a long time. Stop smoking, it will help you. Especially if you have to have your blood cleaned every other day.

Will I test positive for weed in a hair drug test?

They use hair for drug testing these days cause it is more accurate and show use for years prior even if u have stopped the drugs. Yours will show up.

Will I test positive for weed in a hair drug test?

Ya, dialysis is doing the same thing a normal kidney would do, only just every other day as opposed to all the time. So if it shows up on people with healthy kidneys, it will most definitely show up on your hair.

Will I test positive for weed in a hair drug test?

If you smoke daily you will probably test positive for a hair test. Pot is stored in the hair and in your fat cells.

Will I test positive for weed in a hair drug test?

Yes, because the chemicals do not flush through your hair. Once they are deposited, that's it.

Will I test positive for weed in a hair drug test?

Wow, good question LOL. I would imagine that it will still get to your hair because things just get deposited without much time, if the drug has time to get you high and you burn out from it later, there's plenty of time for it to be stored in your hair folicles. But I'm not an expert either, so that's just what I would guess. From what I understand it's pretty impossible to beat those hair tests.

Will I test positive for weed in a hair drug test?

oh yes. your hair is the truth of it all. sorry man.


Will I test positive for weed in a hair drug test?

ya you will test positive it stays in our hair for a very long time

Will I test positive for weed in a hair drug test?

Yeah you will, but to give a test like that it costs the company 200-300 dollars as to the normal 30 dollars for just a urine sample so it really depends if your company is the type that would spend that much just to see if u smoke.from hair samples.

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