Thursday, July 30, 2009

Drug hair test, @45 days ago took a few puffs of weak weed, odds of passing test?

If you are telling the truth, that you didn't inhale more than 3 or 4 puffs, you'll pass the test.

It WILL show up but only slightly. The same results show up if you ate mushrooms 45 days ago.

When a person eats stuffed mushrooms, it will come up positive for marijuana. BUT ONLY, if it was just a few puffs.

Don't TELL them you ate mushrooms. That will tip them off because NO ONE can remember what they ate 45 days ago.

Just deny it. There is nothing they can prove. There isn't enough in your system for us to determine if it's mushrooms or just a few puffs.

THIS IS IMPORTANT, if you want to pass the test........

Someone might come back and ask you, if you have eaten mushrooms LATELY.

If you HAVE... Say "yes" and when, that is, if you can remember.

If you HAVEN'T eaten ANY, say..."No, not LATELY but I did about a month ago, I think. Stuffed mushrooms. Why?"

If they ask you where, say..."At some restaurant, I went to with my friends." Say you don't remember the name of the restaurant. The reason for this, is because, they can call the restaurant to see if they even HAVE them on their menu.

I know. I'm an RN. I do these tests sometimes. And NO, I don't like that part of my job.

Don't worry and if they ask, if you smoked, just say "no".

You will pass. That really isn't enough to make the test anything but inconclusive. For YOUR sake, I hope it was not more than just 3 or 4 puffs. The test results are impossible to miss.

Good Luck, Sweetheart. Be careful, in the future, okay?


Drug hair test, @45 days ago took a few puffs of weak weed, odds of passing test?

I think that if it was a hair test your odds probably aren't great. i've heard those are pretty rough...sorry.

Drug hair test, @45 days ago took a few puffs of weak weed, odds of passing test?

a few puffs shouldn't show up

Drug hair test, @45 days ago took a few puffs of weak weed, odds of passing test?

hair test go way back...sorrry you blew it

Drug hair test, @45 days ago took a few puffs of weak weed, odds of passing test?

hair test ummm well if you smoked 8 months ago it would fail you much less 45 days

Drug hair test, @45 days ago took a few puffs of weak weed, odds of passing test?

slim to none!!!

get off drugs and try exercising!!! better for the brain cells!!!! and drug tests

Drug hair test, @45 days ago took a few puffs of weak weed, odds of passing test?

It depends on how far back your are being screened for. The person oredering the test has the option of screening as far back as 10 years! But usually people only test for the past 30 days to 6 months, so you might be ok... Oh yeah supposably there is a shampoo you can buy from your local head shop...

Drug hair test, @45 days ago took a few puffs of weak weed, odds of passing test?

shave yur head and claim you have cancer...

Drug hair test, @45 days ago took a few puffs of weak weed, odds of passing test?

there are some shampo's that claim they can help you pass a hair test.. and if a few puffs is all you have done in a long time you are fine. but if you smoked in the last 6months to a couple years, then it will show up on a hair test... now ya may get lucky. some companies only look at a certain portion of the test, and dont really care if you smoked months or years ago.. so alot depends on who was testing you.

Drug hair test, @45 days ago took a few puffs of weak weed, odds of passing test?

very bad odds sorry to say. your hair is dead and the chemical is in it until it falls out or you shave it off, I believe

Drug hair test, @45 days ago took a few puffs of weak weed, odds of passing test?

Time to shave your head

Drug hair test, @45 days ago took a few puffs of weak weed, odds of passing test?

no chance in hell

Drug hair test, @45 days ago took a few puffs of weak weed, odds of passing test?

As the previous answerer's said, shave your head, to that I say, you have other body hair I'm sure. However if you were unable to participate in their drug test that would count as an automatic fail. No two ways about it, you're screwed!!!!!

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