Thursday, July 30, 2009

Drug test: urinalysis or hair test?

How often do companies use the hair test?

How long must you stay clear of ganga to pass the hair test?

Drug test: urinalysis or hair test?

More companies are switching to the hair test but the vast majority still use urinanalysis. Hair testing is very exact, they can tell when and what type of drugs wee injested, up to about 90 after use. Go look at, they have alot of information on drug testing. Good Luck

Drug test: urinalysis or hair test?

If there is hair on your head (or other parts of you, should you try to avert by shaving that) that existed when you smoked it, it's detectable. They can test your hair and tell if you smoked it 2 years ago, if you have hair that's long enough to have been on your head two years. It chemically becomes part of the hair structure, it doesn't just get 'on' your hair and take a certain amount of time to wash or wear off. (That's why they can do hair testing on newborn babies to see if the mother has used during the pregnancy.)

Drug test: urinalysis or hair test?

I believe it takes three months to clear your system for the urine test. The hair one, I'm not sure of. There are shampoos you can use, but you'll be taking your chances on wether they work or not.

Drug test: urinalysis or hair test?

Many large companies now use the hair test because, unfortunately, it can detect if someone has been using marijuana for example, within the last 90 days. Sometimes hair tests can detect if you have been smoking weed for up to a year. Your best bet is to hope they don't use the hair test.

Drug test: urinalysis or hair test?

Depending on the urine test used, they can detect traces of most substances for 30-45 days. 30 days is the one most clinics say they can detect. As far as the hair, it becomes a part of the cells make up and stays in the shaft of the hair. Most can test within one year.

Drug test: urinalysis or hair test?

You would have to ask someone at the company that knows how often they do the hair test. Normally, companies that do hair tests only do them for the initial hiring because they cost alot more than urine tests. If the employee passes the initial hair test then has to take another random test after working there for awhile that will usually be a urine test. The rule of thumb for a hair test is one inch of hair shows everything for 1 year of life. Of course it's different for everyone, you would know better than anyone else how long your hair grows in one years time. There's no fool-proof method to fooling a hair test either. If you shave your head they can tke it from your underarm or your groin. If you shave everything they'll suspect foulplay. The only time I have seen this legitimately work is for a guy I knew that had some disease (I forget what it was called) but he had no hair at all, anywhere, on his body, so he got to take a urine test. If you're positive the company requires a hair test (call their HR dept and find out for sure), and manage to pass it, any random tests from then on will be urine tests. The way to pass those without having to alter your lifestyle is a powdered urine kit.

They actually work. Good luck. 420

Drug test: urinalysis or hair test?

companies rarely use the hair test because of the expense in the testing procedure. however, once in the hair follilcle, always there and depending on the level of the test can always be detected.

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