Sunday, July 26, 2009

Where can i buy shampoo for my boyfriend to pass a hair follicle drug test?

my boyfriend and i have to go to court and he has to take a hair follice drug test when we go i know you can buy the shampoo on the internet but can you buy it at a gnc or something?

Where can i buy shampoo for my boyfriend to pass a hair follicle drug test?



Where can i buy shampoo for my boyfriend to pass a hair follicle drug test?

dont know about the shampoo but he can try bleaching his hair the day before the test which will mess up the results. They will most likely order a retest but at least it may give him enough time to test clean.

Where can i buy shampoo for my boyfriend to pass a hair follicle drug test?

ya hotel's ya telly, ya cellphones ya celly, ya down like jelly.

Where can i buy shampoo for my boyfriend to pass a hair follicle drug test?

no such thing - drug tests test for whatever covers up the drugs. stop doing drugs!!! also, if he hasn't been doing drugs for the last 3 months, that is all they test for. so, stop doing drugs!!!

Where can i buy shampoo for my boyfriend to pass a hair follicle drug test?

Depends on what the drug is. If its weed then yea most likely you can get it in like rite aid or sumthing u also might be able to go to a smoke shop and get some.. if you dont know what a smoke shop is, its a place you can go and buy alll your weed supplies.. they have the drinking one, they might have the shampoo

Where can i buy shampoo for my boyfriend to pass a hair follicle drug test?

the hair follicle is in the scalp were the shampoo cannot reach - these products don't work - they are a scam - if you bleach or shave your head they typically do a saliva test and urinalysis instead. If only the hair follicle is used it is a very short detection period - the longer the hair the farther back they can detect drug use - and don't forget, hair doesn't just grow on your head.

Where can i buy shampoo for my boyfriend to pass a hair follicle drug test?

i agree with PD. the only way for these tests to be stopped is to stop doing drugs, and shave your head. The hair follicle test goes back 3 years and can go back as far as 5. I would say to shave your head bald, and if they ask to use a salive test, tell them that they said hair follicle, if they said pee test,remind them they said hair folicle. detox yourself and stay that way...

Where can i buy shampoo for my boyfriend to pass a hair follicle drug test?

You can't! What a scam! The follicle is the root shaft of the hair, and can be taken from any part of your body, not just your head! There was a case last year where some smarty pants thought he could get out of it by shaving his entire body, so they just plucked a nose hair instead! The smart thing to do would be get off the drugs, but its a bit too late for that eh? How about fessing up to the court, they will go easier on you then if they have to find out the hard way by wasting time and money on tests! Smarten up! The drugs must be starting to affect your brain if you think you can buy a shampoo for that!

Where can i buy shampoo for my boyfriend to pass a hair follicle drug test?

There is nothing out there that will do what you are attempting to do. That is why they are doing a hair sample verses a urine sample. Hair samples are much more accuarte and can show when the last time that person did drugs. The only way to get it out of you hair folicles is to quit doing drugs.

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